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Training Log Archive: blairtrewin

In the 7 days ending Jun 10, 2007:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Run6 7:52:01 54.25(8:42) 87.3(5:24) 106051 /59c86%
  Swimming2 58:00 1.24(46:40) 2.0(29:00)
  Total7 8:50:01 55.49(9:33) 89.3(5:56) 106051 /59c86%

» now

Sunday Jun 10, 2007 #

Run race ((orienteering)) 1:29:57 [4] **** 12.2 km (7:22 / km) +530m 6:03 / km

A much better run than yesterday on all counts. Missed 3 a little, but only 20 seconds or so, and then got going nicely on the long, fast section through 4 and 5. Was mentally prepared for the tough section from 6 through 11 (heavy rock and a couple of big climbs), and thought I'd got through it OK until dropping 40 seconds or so on 11. Really enjoyed the rest of the course and running pretty well too - dropping generally downhill through the gorgeous section west of Melville Caves, a block which ranks in my top three or four areas worldwide.

Saturday Jun 9, 2007 #

Run race ((orienteering)) 1:00:04 [4] **** 6.4 km (9:23 / km) +350m 7:22 / km

A poor run both physically and technically. Didn't get off to a good start when I missed 1.5 minutes at 1, not really getting into the way the rock was mapped, and then lost another 2 minutes at 4. Feeling ordinary physically as well (at least the ankle was OK). Didn't lose a lot on fine navigation after that but didn't get good lines through the heavy rock, particularly on 8-9 which was a bit of a lottery - it perhaps summed up my day when I exited 13 up the gap between the rocks, hit a dead end and had to come back out past the control. Liggo caught me at 11 (another small wobble); I was struggling to stay with him and got dropped at the aforementioned dead end. 7 minutes down and deserved to be.

Friday Jun 8, 2007 #

Swimming 29:00 [2] 1.0 km (29:00 / km)

Fairly smooth session at Richmond getting better as it went on.

Thursday Jun 7, 2007 #

Run 2:00:00 [3] 25.0 km (4:48 / km)

Thursday morning long run, spending the first half twisting through the back streets of Ivanhoe (before stopping off at the Goddard's to sign a VOA cheque), then the second loop up through Macleod. Quads felt a bit strange - not sore, just a bit weak. Hopefully this isn't an indicator of subconsciously excessively favouring the ankle (which was a little sore in the first half but seemed fine in the second). Finished OK.

Got through an essentially normal midweek load without doing any more damage to the ankle (at least not obviously), which is a good sign. A rest day from running will hopefully sort it out properly.

Memo to Tony Mokbel: if you're trying to forge a NSW drivers licence, it's probably a good idea to include the NSW logo, not the one of VicRoads.

Wednesday Jun 6, 2007 #

Run 1:09:00 [3] 15.0 km (4:36 / km)

A nice course along the river from a Clifton Hill start. Running was going OK. Definitely noticed the ankle but soreness is only at nuisance level, not causing any impediment (except making me a bit tentative going down stairs).

I used to bestow an award each year in the national squad newsletter for the most original injury of the year, but it's hard to beat one I've just heard about from one Mario Gomez, a footballer playing in the German Bundesliga, who expressed his displeasure at being substituted off with a knee injury that he punched the first-aid kit - and broke his wrist.

Run ((street-O)) 53:00 [3] * 11.7 km (4:32 / km) +180m 4:12 / km

Street-O at Canterbury Trails. They've fixed the map now so it now actually has the same scale in all directions (it used to be 1:11000 N-S and 1:17000 E-W).

Plan was to cruise around, mainly to see if my ankle could cope with two runs in a day (it could - noticeably better than this morning). Felt very sluggish in the first half but better later on.

Tuesday Jun 5, 2007 #

Run intervals ((fartlek)) 38:00 [4] 9.0 km (4:13 / km)

Rather disappointing after my excellent recent form - never really loosened up and couldn't manage a loop faster than 9.17. Coldest morning so far this year but I can hardly blame that - for a long time my PBs for both 10k and the half-marathon were run in temperatures below freezing.

Didn't notice anything on the run but there was a bit of soreness on the inside of my right ankle after cooling down. Will bear watching.

Monday Jun 4, 2007 #

Swimming 29:00 [2] 1.0 km (29:00 / km)

Coldest morning yet this year at Fitzroy. Strong through the first half but faded a bit in the second. Definitely good for loosening various muscles which were rather stiff after yesterday.

Run 42:00 [2] 8.0 km (5:15 / km)

Hosted the MFR Monday night run. As is usually the case at such a remote venue as Heidelberg the numbers were a bit down - only five this time. A decent run on a nice night. Probably put a bit too much spice into the pumpkin, bean and potato red curry but everyone either liked it or was being polite.

Not quite as spooky as the equivalent run last year, when we marked the last night before the end of the world (at least according to the person who was ringing up half a dozen times a day to say that the world was going to end on 6/6/06 and it was the Bureau of Meteorology's responsibility to warn people about it) by doing laps of the Warringal Cemetery.

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