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Attackpoint - performance and training tools for orienteering athletes

Injuries: codymonster

start end days side area type severity resolution/wisdom
view 2/19/24 3/25/24 35 L Upper Leg Hamstring Pain 2
view 10/15/23 10/18/23 3 Foot Other 2 Crack the joint!
view 7/27/23 9/4/23 39 R Upper Leg Hamstring Pain 3
view 1/3/22 11/14/22 315 L Lower Leg Stress Fracture 3 Just say no to Mizunos!! Also, try to land with the feet under the body, not out in front, which ...
view 6/11/21 7/17/21 36 R Upper Leg Other 2 Get a massage!
view 11/3/20 12/4/20 31 L Upper Leg Hamstring Pain 2 Get a sports massage to remove the knots and trigger points.
view 5/8/20 5/14/20 6 R Foot Other 1 It might happen when I do really hard uphills with the calfs.
view 10/9/19 10/17/19 8 L Upper Leg Hamstring Pain 2 More ball rolling, and some PT exercises to strengthen it and prevent recurrence.
view 9/7/19 12/6/19 90 L Arm Fracture 1
view 7/12/19 10/21/19 101 Foot Other 1 Need to strengthen feet and transition out of orthotics more slowly.
view 1/15/19 5/12/19 117 R Upper Leg Hamstring Pain 3 Use a hard little ball on the middle of the affected hamstring, to loosen the hamstring.
view 6/10/18 7/2/18 22 L Knee Other 1 Stop hill running for a couple weeks.
view 7/26/17 7/24/18 363 L Foot Other 2 I have no idea why it got better, but it did.
view 1/23/16 2/17/16 25 R Lower Leg Calf Strain 2 Abstain from running and biking til better.
view 8/23/15 9/10/15 18 R Knee Other 1 Just give it some quality rest, and it goes away...
view 7/5/15 7/5/16 366 L Arm Fracture 1 Next time, get a prompt x-ray even if it doesn't seem bad!
view 6/16/15 8/8/15 53 L Upper Leg Impact wound / trauma 2 When muscle movement causes pain, wear spandex to damp the jiggling!

Training Log: codymonster