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BrinaK's shoes

name date new miles kilometers Total time climb sessions controls
Inov8 modre 1/1/20 151.2 243.4 44:48:37 3590 42 0
dvoranske superge 12/21/21 27.7 44.5 37:40:00 0 29 0
Salamon sens right-vijolične 1/8/23 146.6 236.0 37:49:06 157 31 0
superge 10/22/20 3340.6 5376.2 65:43:12 125 95 0
Salamon-zelene 10/28/20 275.6 443.5 92:32:00 4264 72 0
pancerji 2/24/23 107.5 173.0 20:07:00 0 6 0
čevlji za tek na smučeh 1/4/21 58.2 93.6 16:45:00 900 10 0
gojzerji 1/1/20 87.0 140.0 40:56:00 3150 16 0
Spaiki 10/11/22 41.5 66.8 10:35:00 100 13 0
navadni čevlji 10/11/22 1.9 3.0 4:00:00 0 4 0
kotalke 2/16/21 8.2 13.1 3:32:00 0 4 0
drsalke 1/17/21 21.5 34.6 6:42:00 0 5 0
zimski čevlji 12/21/20 22.6 36.4 8:14:00 700 11 0

Here you can automatically keep track of some interesting statistics on your shoes. It's generally recommended to replace your road running shoes after 350-500 miles, because of increased injury risk due to midsole cushioning breakdown. more info. Note that trail or forest sessions have a different effect on shoe wear, and that mileage may not be the limiting factor.