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Race Evaluation

Boulder Dash: Red Day 1


1. +04:00Started very slow and carefully. Still missed control. Think I thought I saw the wet area when I did not. Knew I had gone to far and wandered around to relocate. Saw Joe M who started 2 min after me, but could not tell if he was looking or heading for 2. Eventually found the correct wet area.
2. +00:45Out to road. Cut in S of marsh and ran along S and W sides. Came into control from wet area 150m E. Very slow at end so I would not make a mistake.
3. +00:30Just ran for trail figuring to relocate from stone walls if necessary. Seemed to be a little more contour features between trail and control so I was hesitant.
4. +00:30Pam James came in a little behind me. Thought she would go right by but I stayed ahead but went to far right. When the 2nd stone wall did not appear headed more W. Pam had corrected first and was now ahead. Came in from NE end of stone wall, right behind Pam. Caught Joe M.
5. +01:00Followed Pam NE to trail. She and Joe went on into woods. Decided I wanted the trail and headed E intending to cut the corner. Leaving Pam is a decision I usually end up regretting. Woods did not look that great and I went all the way to jct. Should have run E from (4) directly to jct. Ken Walker joined me on the trail just past the stream. While we were slowing and deciding where to cut in Pam crossed just in front of us. I had made up 10m on Pam using the trail. Do not see Joe. We end up a little high and Ken & I come in from the dry pond NW of the control. Pam stays on the correct side of the rocky knoll and beats us both.
6. Straight line. Plan to check off features if possible but expect to come back from swamps on far side. Pam goes a little more S but is still in sight. I think I see the dry pond about half way and the rocks 100m later. Pam I converge about 100m before the control. I decide I am in the reentrant NW of control. Run on, look up and see it. A lucky spike of a potentially hard leg. Pam is right behind me.
7. +00:40My confidence is up as we run S around first marsh and E to N end of next. This is where I usually get cocky and try to run away from Pam. My shin pain, however; keeps my speed down and I am hard pressed to keep up. Since I have lots of energy, I do more climbing to cut down on the distance, while Pam is taking a lower route. Plan backfires when I reach a downed tree which I cannot cross. By the time I run around, Pam is gone. Hit the stonewall at the clearing and straight in. A little hesitant at the end and fear I may have to bail to the huge boulder but find control ok.
8. Run for the trail bend with plenty of obvious features along the way. Control visible from a distance.
9. +00:20Hit trail right behind Dan Walker on blue. Wonder about the straight route through woods but follow him on trail. Still following him when he turns N on trail to day 2 start. Oops. Turn around, to road and cut in at boulder. Control visible from a distance.
10. +03:30Leave road at stream but take a bad bearing and hit trail to high. Miss the control and end up searching lots of rocks. Know this is common with green but see and hear noone. Back to trail and down a bit and control is as easy as I expected.
11. +01:00Cant keep a straight line and come out at building. Not a bad choice if I took the trail, but I went through woods the entire way.
F. Maintain good speed, but no sprinting.

Total Time Lost - 00:12:15

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