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Training Log Archive: dylanbrown

In the 28 days ending Feb 28, 2015:

activity # timemileskm+ft
  Running24 20:30:00 163.11(7:32) 262.5(4:41)
  Bike7 3:20:00 12.43(16:06) 20.0(10:00)
  Water running4 3:00:00 11.18(16:06) 18.0(10:00)
  Yoga2 2:00:00
  Swimming5 2:00:00 7.46(16:06) 12.0(10:00)
  Recovery (OFF)1 10
  Total29 30:50:10 194.18 312.5

» now

Saturday Feb 28, 2015 #

Running 55:00 [3] 12.2 km (4:30 / km)

pre act, 15 wu, 25 tempo, 15 cd, push and sit, stretch, roll, ice.

Overall great. Did it early at gratin with jordan. jordan ran with me the whole time and it was great quality. worked hard and pushed myself. no specific tightness just general soreness.

Friday Feb 27, 2015 #

Recovery (OFF) 10 [3]

took it off. stretched though and played some games with kids. not bad.

Thursday Feb 26, 2015 #

Running 40:00 [3] 8.8 km (4:33 / km)

pre act, 6x lunges, 40 run, hip mobility, drills, 6x strides, med ball, basic strength, stretch, roll.

Good run overall. felt okay. general soreness.

Bike 20:00 [3] 2.0 km (10:00 / km)

20 bike, stretch, ice.

Good shake out. felt good.

Wednesday Feb 25, 2015 #

Running 45:00 [3] 10.0 km (4:30 / km)

pre act, 15 wu, 15 mins of 4:15/45 steady surge, 15 cd, push and sit, hip drills.
Sretch, ice.

Overall awesome. Felt good and strong. Fasted I have run in awhile.

Tuesday Feb 24, 2015 #

Water running 45:00 [3] 4.5 km (10:00 / km)

pre act, 6x lunges, pool: 3 sets of 5x 40 secs hard, deepwater.

Then run.

quality was good and felt strong.

Running 40:00 [3] 8.8 km (4:33 / km)

pool then 40 run.

Hip mobility, drills, 6x strides, med ball, basic strength, stretch, roll, ice.

Overall pretty good. Still just generally sore but besides that good. Average quality. Ran well and was pretty hungry by the end of it. Besides that not bad.

Monday Feb 23, 2015 #

Running 40:00 [3] 8.8 km (4:33 / km)

pre act, 40 run, bosu strength, hip drills, push and sit, stretch, roll, ice.

Overall good. Left IT and shin a little tight. Need to work on them more. Felt good running and strong. Average quality

Swimming 20:00 [3] 2.0 km (10:00 / km)

10 swim/kick, 10 drills. Stretch.

Overall good. Recovery was nice and felt good.

Sunday Feb 22, 2015 #

Running 1:10:00 [3] 15.5 km (4:31 / km)

pre act, 6x lunges, run, 20x drills, hip mobility, strength, stretch, roll, ice.

Overall pretty good. Average quality running. felt good running actually. general soreness in quads and calves. hills were tough and drained me. Happy with it.

Swimming 20:00 [3] 2.0 km (10:00 / km)

10 swim/ kick, 10 drills. Stretch.

Overall good. felt fine and shook the legs out.

Saturday Feb 21, 2015 #

Running 1:00:00 [3] 13.3 km (4:31 / km)

pre act, 15 wu, 3x 8 mins tempo/ 2 mins between each. last one was 10 mins, 15 cd. Push and sit, hip drills, stretch, roll, ice.

Overall good. worked hard and effort was high. felt strong and fast actually. ended up doing 10 at the end cause I didn't look at my watch and just felt good and ran. Happy with it.

Friday Feb 20, 2015 #

Bike 30:00 [3] 3.0 km (10:00 / km)

30 bike, stretch, roll, ice.

Good recovery. Overall feel okay. Little general sore.

Thursday Feb 19, 2015 #

Running 45:00 [3] 10.0 km (4:30 / km)

pre act, 6x lunges, 45 run, hip mobility, drills, 5x strides, med ball, basic strength, stretch.

Good run. average quality. Was really sore today from yesterday. Quads and calves were super tight. Good overall though.

Bike 30:00 [3] 3.0 km (10:00 / km)

30 bike, stretch, roll, ice.

Good recovery overall.

Wednesday Feb 18, 2015 #

Running 55:00 [3] 8.8 km (6:15 / km)

pre act, 15 wu, 15 tempo, 2 mins, 7 mins tempo, 16 cd. Push and sit, stretch, roll, ice.

Awesome workout. Did it on the track and my calves and legs felt it after that. Good adaptation though. Overall happy with it and worked hard. Mentally tough but happy with it.

Yoga 1:00:00 [3]

hour yin yoga, good recovery and stretching.

Tuesday Feb 17, 2015 #

Running 45:00 [3] 10.0 km (4:30 / km)

45 run, stretch, roll,

Overall good run. Feel good and strong running. Quality was average and happy with it.

Water running 45:00 [3] 4.5 km (10:00 / km)

pre act, 6x lunges, pool: 3 sets of 1, 2, 1 mins hard. 15/30 and 45 between.

hip mobility, drills, 5x strides, med ball, basic strength, roll, stretch, ice.

Average quality. felt tired since I was just in a car for fish hours but got it done and worked hard.

Feel good and excited to workout tomorrow.

Monday Feb 16, 2015 #

Running 45:00 [3] 10.0 km (4:30 / km)

pre act, 45 run, hip drills, glute strength, push and sit, roll, stretch, ice.

Think winnipeg is warmer then t bay. Good run and felt good. Feel really strong running. Enjoying it too which I am extremely happy with.

Sunday Feb 15, 2015 #

Running 1:15:00 [3] 16.6 km (4:31 / km)

pre act, 6x lunges, run, 20x drills, hip mobility, basic strength, roll, stretch, ice.

Overall good. Kind of rushed through the stuff after but got everything done. Quality of run was good and felt good. Kind of sore from yesterdays workout.

Saturday Feb 14, 2015 #

Running 55:00 [3] 8.8 km (6:15 / km)

pre act, 15 wu, 4x 5 mins tempo/ 1 min between, cd to 55 and then push and sit, hip drills, stretch, roll, ice.

Overall really good. Worked hard on the tempo and got a lot of out it. Felt really strong running for the first time in awhile.

No Hip pain!!! some IT on left side during cd.

Friday Feb 13, 2015 #

Bike 30:00 [3] 3.0 km (10:00 / km)

30 bike, then hour physio with colleen. stretch too.

Great recovery overall. Safe to say I love colleen.. spent an hour just on my neck and after I could barely walk I was so dizzy and tired. She started the rearrange process. Got so tired after the treatment which she said would happen.

Thursday Feb 12, 2015 #

Running 45:00 [3] 10.0 km (4:30 / km)

pre act, 8x lunges, 45 run, hip mobility, drills, 4x strides, med ball, strength, roll, stretch, ice.

Overall good. Really cold but got through it. Stayed positive and ran well. Average off day quality.

Bike 30:00 [3] 3.0 km (10:00 / km)

30 bike, stretch

Overall good. pretty tired. long day but got it done.

Wednesday Feb 11, 2015 #

Running 55:00 [3] 8.8 km (6:15 / km)

pre act, 15 wu, 20 tempo, 15 cd, push and sit, hip drills, stretch, roll, ice.

Awesome workout. Did it all on the track and the body was sore after that. Haven't ran on that much track in awhile so really happy with it. Quality was good and effort was right on.

Tuesday Feb 10, 2015 #

Running 45:00 [3] 10.0 km (4:30 / km)

45 run, stretch, roll, ice.

Good run overall. Quality was average. Felt good too. Minimal pain in left hip.

Water running 45:00 [3] 4.5 km (10:00 / km)

Pre act, 8x lunges, pool: 4 sets of 4x 1:30/ 30 between.

Hip mobility, drills, 4x strides, med ball, strength, stretch.

Overall good. Average day. Feeling generally better but still tired. Excited for this week to be over.

Monday Feb 9, 2015 #

Running 45:00 [3] 10.0 km (4:30 / km)

pre act, 45 min run, bosu ball strength, hip drills, push and sit, stretch, physio.

Overall good. Quality was average and enjoyed the run. Left hip and IT was tight and weird. Not bad going slow though. Happy with it.

Bike 30:00 [3] 3.0 km (10:00 / km)

30 bike, stretch, ice.

Good overall. left quads and hip tight. Back started to hurt near the end.

Sunday Feb 8, 2015 #

Running 1:15:00 [3] 16.6 km (4:31 / km)

pre act, 8x lunges, 1:15 run, 30x drills, hip drills, strength Z, stretch, ice.

Overall good. Run quality was average and worked hard. A lot of stabilizing muscle strength in the trails. felt really fatigued around 50 mins. Nothing too tight. left hip tight and still weird but not bad. I have been doing some internal hip rotation stretches and i think its been helping me.

Swimming 20:00 [3] 2.0 km (10:00 / km)

10 swim, kick, 10 drills.

Stretch, ice.

good recovery. felt good

Saturday Feb 7, 2015 #

Running 50:00 [3] 11.1 km (4:30 / km)

pre act, 15 wu, 12 mins tempo, 2 mins easy, 6 mins tempo, 15 cd. Hip drills, push and sit, stretch, roll, ice.

Overall good! Gratten was slippery but the effort was there. Enjoyed the run and worked hard. The new AT loosened some things up yesterday and it made my back feel awesome but my left hip feels odd. I guess kind of tight but feels weird. She thinks it has something to do with my internal hip rotators.
Happy with the day though.

Friday Feb 6, 2015 #

Bike 30:00 [3] 3.0 km (10:00 / km)

30 bike, hip drills, stretch, roll, ice.

Good recovery. Easy but got the HR up a bit.

Thursday Feb 5, 2015 #

Running 45:00 [3] 10.0 km (4:30 / km)

pre act, 6x lunges, 45 run, hip mobility, drills, 3x strides, med ball, strength, stretch, roll, ice.

Good run. average quality but speed was a little slower. Nice and relaxed and enjoyed it. Feel sore in back and hip. more back though.

Swimming 30:00 [3] 3.0 km (10:00 / km)

30 swim, stretch, ice.

Swim/kick, drills, and deepwater.

Good effort and recovery.

Wednesday Feb 4, 2015 #

Running 50:00 [3] 11.1 km (4:30 / km)

pre act, 15 wu, 3x 6 mins tempo/ 1 min between, 15 cd. push and sit, stretch, ice.

Overall good. Felt good to be running faster and pushing it. pushed the line well and worked hard.

Nothing really sore but left hi flexor feels weird. more or less tight feeling.

Yoga 1:00:00 [3]

hour yin yoga. Good stretching. felt areas that were really tight.

Tuesday Feb 3, 2015 #

Water running 45:00 [3] 4.5 km (10:00 / km)

pre act, 6x lunges, pool; 4 sets of 90, 60, 30. Then went for run.

Didn't sleep well last night so was a little bit tired waking up. Quality was average pool and effort was there.
8 AM

Running 45:00 [3] 10.0 km (4:30 / km)

45 run, hip mobility, drills, 3x strides, med ball, basic strength, stretch, roll, ice.

Quality was average. run was good. speed and effort were decent and diebles company was good. Was pretty cold but it didn't affect the running much. Overall good.

Monday Feb 2, 2015 #

Running 45:00 [3] 10.0 km (4:30 / km)

pre act, 45 run, hip drills, push and sit, stretch.

Good run. Quality was average but felt good running. Back still a little tight but no pain in the knee. Happy with it.

Swimming 30:00 [3] 3.0 km (10:00 / km)

30 swim, stretch, ice.

10 swim and kick, 10 drills, 10 deepwater.

Good overall. Did it with spider so it went by fast. back tight in general but working on it.

Sunday Feb 1, 2015 #

Running 1:00:00 [3] 13.3 km (4:31 / km)

pre act, 6x lunges, hour run, 20x drills, hip mobility, basic strength, stretch, roll, ice.

Overall good. feeling like i have a little bit more energy but not a lot. quality was good too.

Left knee tight and new pain. think the IT is causing it.

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