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Training Log Archive: Kalloom

In the 30 days ending Jun 30, 2016:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Skiing(classic)6 14:20:00 117.64(7:19) 189.32(4:33)
  Skiing (skating)6 13:34:00 134.85(6:02) 217.02(3:45)
  Running8 7:36:00 43.19(10:34) 69.5(6:34) 1389
  Strength6 6:50:00
  Classic rollerski3 4:12:00 45.36(5:33) 73.0(3:27)
  Total29 46:32:00 341.03 548.84 1389

» now

Monday Jun 13, 2016 #

9 AM

Skiing (skating) 1:05:00 [1] 17.0 km (3:49 / km)

Easy last ski before travelling home. 2* 10 ins no poles included.
10 AM

Running 10:00 [3] 2.0 km (5:00 / km)

Easy Run cool down.

Decided I'm not a fan of attack point so not going to bother. Sportlyser is just much easier to use and I much prefer the way it presents the data.

Sunday Jun 12, 2016 #

9 AM

Skiing(classic) 2:31:00 [4] 34.25 km (4:25 / km)
ahr:131 max:180

Classic intervals at roughly prologue pace:
30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes. 2 sets.

Purposely went with little klister for the intervals to challenge my kick. Felt good and tried to keep my technique long and without too much stress inspire of the short reps. focussing on keeping my pelvis neutral to see if it improved the power I could put down in the kick.
4 PM

Classic rollerski 1:10:00 [1] 17.0 km (4:07 / km)

Transfer back to rollerski type session to identify areas of focus to ensure bad habits don't creep back in. Particular focus on my right side hip flick to be worked on this next while as well as higher elbows in double pole.

Saturday Jun 11, 2016 #

9 AM

Skiing (skating) 4:02:00 [1] 65.5 km (3:42 / km)
ahr:132 max:153

LSD with some no poles sections. mostly just working the speed out of the track whilst it was in good condition whilst keeping at low intensity. Felt surprisingly good considering the stage of the camp. Yogi joined for bits of it which was nice, felt like the old days!
4 PM

Strength 35:00 [1]

Went through trunk circuit with Kelly, and tried out the program plus some sling work with Mikel G and Runar.

Friday Jun 10, 2016 #

Strength 1:30:00 [3]

9 AM

Skiing(classic) 3:01:00 [1] 42.0 km (4:19 / km)
ahr:132 max:161

Classic LSD with some work on double pole with Roy.
Speed set:
4 *10 seconds sprint following build up in lower tempo.

Key points:
*Higher hands in high speed
*crunch from upper abs eliminated early rock onto heals pretty effectively.
*in slow terrain watch for pelvic tilt again, engage lower abs before strike to brace.

Thursday Jun 9, 2016 #

4 AM

Running 1:17:00 [1] 14.0 km (5:30 / km)
ahr:119 max:146

Easy recovery session, started out with Annika and Yagi but was doing a longer session so dropped them back and carried on upto the elghufs place.
9 AM

Skiing (skating) 2:00:00 [3] 36.0 km (3:20 / km)
ahr:154 max:181

5* 12 minutes at L3 with Team Telemark. Bit of a stress on the first one as Jostein said we would start in 10 minutes so I went for a whaz, just to have the boys crack on and start! smashed it for the first 6 minutes to catch them up then sat in. All other reps I skied with Svein Halvor, Couldn't keep up with Devon K who was seriously impressive on the skate 2.
Really pleased with this session, I was on crap old training skis whilst the others were testing new skis, to be stronger than all except Devon is encouraging with that considered!

Definitely still losing hip stability at the end of the push on my right leg in skate 2. skate 1 was looking pretty good - feel I need to not stress it and really use the sideways push to get a long glide.
11 AM

Running 16:00 [1] 2.0 km (8:00 / km)

Cool down jog with Runar, including 5*10 second sprints. My Norwegian is hilariously shite when I'm tired!

Wednesday Jun 8, 2016 #

9 AM

Skiing (skating) 2:31:00 [1] 36.5 km (4:08 / km)
ahr:133 max:156

Easy skating with some speed work and no poles.
4 PM

Classic rollerski 1:30:00 [1] 28.0 km (3:13 / km)
ahr:141 max:164

Double poling out along the fjord and back. Working on curling from upper abs first and high elbows

Tuesday Jun 7, 2016 #

9 AM

Skiing(classic) (LSD) 2:32:00 [1] 32.0 km (4:45 / km)
ahr:131 max:165

Easy classic with some technique/video work on double pole. Feeling a bit tired after yesterday but not too bad, tracks were unsalted today so pretty slow going.

Key points:
*Flexing from upper abs first
*Weight coming back onto heals fractionally too early, corrected with above
5 PM

Strength 1:35:00 [1]

Recovery week
Lat pull down
Calf raises
Incline situp
Lower ab exercises

Monday Jun 6, 2016 #

9 AM

Running 30:00 [1] 6.0 km (5:00 / km)
ahr:128 max:145

easy recovery run followed by 30 mins stretching. Chill pace along the road beside the fjord.
5 PM

Running (Intervals, elghufs) 1:42:00 [4] 16.5 km (6:11 / km) +715m 5:05 / km
ahr:149 max:193

5*6 minutes elghufs intervals with Team Telemark. Sat at the front for the first two, next to Devon Kershaw and Stian. Third one was quite hard, I lost a few metres to Devon and Stian at the end and ran with Svein Halvor. Fourth was so heavy, I lost my head a bit too, got dropped down to 4th. Fifth I came back stronger and managed to keep With Devon up until after halfway and then had to set my own pace but didn't lose too much ground.
Interesting approach by Kershaw in that he doesn't go mega fast on the hufs bits but as soon as he hits a flat he bombs it, reckons this is the approach he applies to ski racing and the approach that wins world cups now.
Absolutely brutal session, especially in that heat but pretty pleased to have kept up with the big boys given I'm still pretty much straight off the couch atm.

Sunday Jun 5, 2016 #

9 AM

Skiing(classic) (LSD) 2:14:00 [1] 30.0 km (4:28 / km)
ahr:130 max:166

Easy classic with technical work. Think the guy setting the tracks may have been on a mad one last night as the tracks where pretty scrappy today! thought I might skin my entire torso on a few occasions.

2*10 mins no poles included as well as some faster diagonal with poles.
Key Points:
*Curvature in lower back possibly preventing complete power transfer in diagonal, need to work further on lower abs to prevent this and correct my slightly forwards pelvic tilt.
*On lengthening my stride i get a slightly late kick, need to find a way of doing lower frequency striding with an early kick.

Good technique work again with Jossi the Bossi.
4 PM

Strength (Core, balance) 1:00:00 [2] 0.0 km

Core strength and balance work, pretty chilled as bit of a recovery session. Working on lower abdominal activation in particular.

Saturday Jun 4, 2016 #

Running 10:00 [1] 2.0 km (5:00 / km)

Cool down jog

Running (Speed) 1:23:00 [3] 7.0 km (11:51 / km)
ahr:122 max:161

Speed session on the track then some plyometric stuff on the stadium steps.

Warm up and lots of drills
3*50 metres
3*80 metres
5*10 jumps up stadium benches (fast)

Finished with a swim in the fjord to wash off the suncream.
9 AM

Skiing (skating) (LSD) 2:00:00 [1] 31.0 km (3:52 / km)
ahr:132 max:155

Easy skate ski with no poles work 2*10 mins

Key points:
*Rotation in skate 2 improved but still needs work on right side
*Skate 1 trail side push need to start straight away, this was more pronounced without poles but easily corrected.
*Drive side in skate 1, hold weight over ski fractionally longer

Friday Jun 3, 2016 #

Strength 1:45:00 [2]

Strength in Vik
Some power assessment stuff with Catriona in addition to normal session
front squat: 1+ @82.5 (3)
SLDL: 5@ 107.5
Incline bench: 5@72.5
Pull up: 8@17.5
candle sticks: 7
Hanging windscreens
Physio lower abs exercise
9 AM

Skiing(classic) 2:02:00 [1] 25.0 km (4:53 / km)
ahr:132 max:163

Easy classic with loads of technique input. Good skis and perfect weather, could have skied all day but got to keep it a bit chill on the hours this week.

3 * 10 minutes no poles work
Key points:
* Right foot coming up a little bit short and hence getting reduced grip
* Bring hands higher when going no poles, on left side this helps to bring right foot forward.

Thursday Jun 2, 2016 #

Classic rollerski (Double pole) 1:32:00 [2] 28.0 km (3:17 / km)
ahr:141 max:163

Double pole session along the coast from Vik. Sat on the front and let the others follow so I could focus on my own intensity and technique
Key Points from Jostein:
*High elbows
9 AM

Skiing (skating) 1:56:00 [4] 31.02 km (3:44 / km)
ahr:145 max:182

Skating with 6*6mins at I3+
Feeling pretty shaky at high speed!
Generally feeling physically pretty good, slowed quite a bit but probably mostly due to the softening snow.
First couple were primarily skate 2 but had to do a lot more skate 1 on the steeper bits later on.

Key points:
*Hip opening up in skate 2, particularly on right side.
*More forward in skate 2, weight more on forefoot
*Complete push (downwards)
11 AM

Running 10:00 [1] 2.0 km (5:00 / km)

Easy run cool down with 5*5 second sprints

Wednesday Jun 1, 2016 #

Strength 25:00 [3]

Triple A assessment with Catriona
9 AM

Skiing(classic) (Speed) 2:00:00 [2] 26.07 km (4:36 / km)
ahr:133 max:167

Easy ski with speed work.

First set 3* diagonal into a gentleish uphill.
Second set 4* double pole into herringbone run

Key points:
*more stable upper body in diagonal.
*high elbows in double pole.
*herringbone better than expected
4 PM

Running 1:58:00 [1] 18.0 km (6:33 / km) +674m 5:31 / km
ahr:128 max:152

Easy run from Vik

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