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Race Evaluation

PNWOF: Sprint 1 (Long)


1. +00:05Sprint down reentrant, dive in green, have no idea, how big the building will be. Careful to keep directioin, hit it right on.
2. Run on compass towards power line, see pole on right, pick up trail in yellow to control.
3. Terrain is flat, the features vague. Run straight, see trail before control, then the big tree. Still careful, it all looks so different as I run the first time in such terrain.
4. Around the rocky long knoll, straight to rocky area, follow trail for a moment, then directly to control.
5. +00:20Follow trail, cut at corner to cliff on other side of small rocky knoll. Around knoll faster?
6. Straight through small reentrant to boulder.
7. +00:20Straight to road, around south side of building to control. North side faster, because there is more pavement?
8. +00:05Across lawn to building corner. Read map too much, should just run to visible building
9. Along building to pavement, run up to tennis court, around to control.
10. Straight to control at track.
11. +01:30Boom. Run straight, look for light brown square (??), can't figure. Run downhill, past the control down to white control. See other control over on fire hydrant. Back to control on tree. Lost my focus after sprinting uphill to 9&10. I was not adjusted to elevation, tired from traveling, bang, lost focus. Hard to relocate once I lost rythm. Was always with 50 to 75m of the control when I lost contact. Typical sprint error.
12. +00:10Somewhat reluctant after the mini adventure, straight to control over the small rocky spur.
13. +00:10Aim at fence, run. Lose some time curving around bushes.
14. Uphill, slightly wobbly in my legs.
15. Run
F. Run. My first race out west, also my first runs after two months of no race. Need to relearn the race speed & sprinting.

Total Time Lost - 00:02:40

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