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Training Log Archive: Lara Croft

In the 7 days ending Feb 26, 2017:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Specific End1 4:11:49 20.82(12:06) 33.51(7:31) 875
  Road Run Easy4 2:44:09 16.67(9:51) 26.83(6:07) 30
  Race1 1:40:15 13.26(7:34) 21.34(4:42) 70
  Easy/hill reps1 1:13:00 7.03(10:23) 11.31(6:27) 80
  Moderate1 1:12:00 7.84(9:11) 12.62(5:42) 30
  Total8 11:01:13 65.62(10:05) 105.61(6:16) 1085
averages - sleep:7.2

» now

Sunday Feb 26, 2017 #

9 AM

Race (Stockport trail half) 1:40:15 [1] 13.26 mi (7:34 / mi) +70m 7:26 / mi
slept:6.3 shoes: Adidas Boston Boost

7.49, 7.43, 7.30, 7.26, 7.36, 7.46, 7.53, 7.38, 7.42, 7.44, 7.32, 7.11, 7.09, 7.10

Splits: Stockport half trail, flat bridle path and canal tow path, mud fest, made it slower in places as had road shoes on. Legs felt strong after about an hour, obvs general tiredness from yesterday, however, surprised how good legs felt in the grand scheme of it. 8th overall, 1st FV45

Saturday Feb 25, 2017 #

10 AM

Specific End (roaches run ) 4:11:49 [2] 20.82 mi (12:06 / mi) +875m 10:42 / mi
slept:8.4 shoes: Dynamic Ultra

Started feeling tired legged, however as the run went on seemed to get looser and easier. Felt much better after about 2 hours and put efforts in along the way. Not as much climb as i'd have liked, however i made a decision to do the same route that I did on Sunday. Again pleased to have ran everything in spite of the shite weather, drizzle and mud/bogs for most of the flatter parts of the route. Fuelled well, No niggles at all.

Friday Feb 24, 2017 #

6 AM

Easy/hill reps (road/trail/hills) 1:13:00 [2] 7.03 mi (10:23 / mi) +80m 10:02 / mi
slept:7.3 shoes: Adidas

Easy 31 mins, hill repsx8, easy 28 mins. first couple of reps were slow and sluggish, however more mindful there after, putting an effort into them particularly on good form. Tired for the last two however perceived effort remained the same. A bit rushed on the recoveries. Overall a good session.

Thursday Feb 23, 2017 #

7 AM

Road Run Easy (easy run) 39:18 [1] 3.78 mi (10:24 / mi) +30m 10:09 / mi
slept:6.55 shoes: Adidas

Very tired as couple of days of less sleep caught up. Less also tired from yesterdays run/workout. Nonetheless, run got easier as warmed up. Didn't want to push it at all as want to give legs plenty of opportunity to recover for the weekend. Otherwise, no issues

Wednesday Feb 22, 2017 #

7 AM

Moderate (moderate) 1:12:00 [2] 7.84 mi (9:11 / mi) +30m 9:05 / mi
slept:8.1 shoes: Adidas Boston Boost

Moderate run, feeling tired in legs today. Took 20 mins to warm up then settled in to a consistent 8 mpm pace. No niggles or issues, weather shite.. rain and more rain.
6 PM


Completed general strength/conditioning as per plan, at home.

Tuesday Feb 21, 2017 #

6 AM

Road Run Easy (Tech exs) 58:58 [1] 5.97 mi (9:53 / mi)
slept:7.0 shoes: Adidas

Easy road/trail run, legs feel great, a little tiredness however not half as much as i've been expecting. Completed maintanence tech exs post run with stride outs to finish. Could have done with more sleep.
8 AM


Cycle commute too and from work. total of 3 miles so nothing taxing in any way. Forgot how freakin dangerous car drivers are and how you have to think for them. Anyhow, still alive and felt good to get back on the cycle after a winter of dust gathering on it. Completed strength/conditioning calves at home.
7 PM

Road Run Easy (road run) 20:10 [1] 2.1 mi (9:36 / mi)
shoes: Adidas

Easy run, cut short as feeling v tired generally so called it a day.

Monday Feb 20, 2017 #

Road Run Easy (Westport lake) 45:43 [1] 4.82 mi (9:29 / mi)
slept:7.0 shoes: Nike Lunerlon

Did the wrong run today, did 45 min easy rather than 1hr with Tech Exs. Legs felt fine, no issue from yesterday.

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