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Discussion: Question

in: ziggyr; ziggyr > 2006-07-17

Jul 18, 2006 1:24 PM # 
How is Jensen lake to swim in? I was thinking about setting up a practice off-road tri and Stephen Bullard mentioned Lebanon Hills.
Any thoughts?
Jul 18, 2006 10:08 PM # 
Jensen Lake is covered in lilly pads and is shallow. Holland lake or Shultz lake on the hand looks a lot cleaner. All three are part of Lebanon hills. If you are thinking of doing one you could easily start with a good swim in Shulz or Holland. Followed by 7-9 mile run through the woods to MTN Bike park.
Jul 19, 2006 1:21 PM # 
Thanks. I did the TC marathon last year (my first) and found that my endurance work done in other disciplines went a long way. I didn't think my knees and feet would hold up to the distances recommended so I did the middle and long runs, but skipped a lot of the miles of the shorter runs.

Result was really positive.

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