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Discussion: rest

in: jtorranc; jtorranc > 2007-02-21

Feb 22, 2007 12:59 AM # 
A little rest and a cut back week could do you some good with all that training. Have you broken down and spent a few bucks on an HRM yet?

Other comments in brief:

-You should reread the thread from a year or whatever ago about how you spend your training time.
-Related to the above point I'll suggest you consider reorganizing the stack of your training varieties. If you are focused on o I'd put that against the left axis and layer out from there based on how o-like or o-beneficial the activity is. Maybe O, then running, then DWR, then cycling, etc. This makes it easy to tell at a glance whether or not your volume is likely to relate to your goals.
Feb 22, 2007 4:45 PM # 
I do wonder whether it's a mistake not having a firmly designated weekly rest day but they seem to crop up unplanned, hopefully often enough. Plus I took it easy the week around Thanksgiving and the week after APOC. Next week will definitely be lower volume, partly due to external factors and partly to ensure I'm rested for Umstead - the early spring season may not matter so much in the grand scheme of things but a WRE matters at least a little bit the way the IOF is currently running international elite orienteering.

Um, not, I'm still letting my heart work under vanishingly light supervision.

I was a bit surprised to go back and see the thread was two years ago, early in my best season of orienteering to date. There was a lot in there but I suspect you're thinking mostly of training specificity and the desirability of doing less training at intensity 3, particularly once I shift to doing more intense training and lower volumes. Still a little ways into the future, although I plan on reintroducing long intervals as soon as the snow (sorry - I admit the word isn't adequate but a full description would take too long) disappears.

I've never monkeyed with my training colours or the arrangement of the training types. Not a bad idea though not a crash priority either.

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