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Training Log Archive: Squirt

In the 7 days ending May 9, 2015:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Weights/Resistance Training2 1:05:00
  Running1 15:00 1.24(12:04) 2.0(7:30)
  Total2 1:20:00 1.24 2.0

» now

Thursday May 7, 2015 #

12 PM

Weights/Resistance Training 30:00 [3]

Extreme class today at Greco and we used the back patio so a nice breeze and shade was perfect!! Just walked to class and back, no running today.
Was able to get 6 rounds in of the following in 30 mins. Took some breaks to stretch my legs during. Right knee is acting up a bit.
15 reps deadlift
15 reps box jump (using steps)
15 reps clean and press
15 reps plank rows
*used 2 15lb dumbbells throughout.

Tuesday May 5, 2015 #

12 PM

Weights/Resistance Training 35:00 [3]

Greco, back to it after away for a week and I didn't last the entire class. Really tough today and felt dizzy/nauseous so left during 3rd round.
Tricep pushups on med ball
Tricep extensions with dumbbell
1 armed shoulder press alternating arms
Squats with dumbbells on shoulders
Bicep curls with band
Static holding squat with arms out holding med ball
Sprawl with arms on risers and then two foot jump onto bench in middle and off and repeat
Hops on and over bench

Running 15:00 [3] 2.0 km (7:30 / km)
shoes: Brooks

Run to greco

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