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Training Log Archive: Becks

In the 30 days ending Jun 30, 2012:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running13 12:07:55 70.36(10:21) 113.23(6:26) 2309
  Cross Fit8 6:39:01 0.37 0.6 5
  Hill Walking1 4:30:00 6.9(39:08) 11.1(24:19)
  Cycling2 3:36:15
  Orienteering2 2:10:59 10.04(13:03) 16.15(8:07) 355
  Stretching1 14:48
  Total22 29:18:58 87.67 141.09 2669
  [1-5]22 29:16:19

» now

Saturday Jun 30, 2012 #

Hill Walking 4:30:00 [3] 6.9 mi (39:08 / mi)

Walking up Mount Lafayette for the Granola Challenge. About half at Rob and Becky pace (good), about half at rest of family pace (bad). Also bad was we had a slight misunderstanding about which rucksacs to pack in the car, and ended up with a tiny day pack and lightweight running pack. Tiny day pack had to carry all our water, food (and wine!) and was too heavy. Even worse, the arm straps were too small for Rob, so that was my job. He did the first mile anyway, but was clearly in pain so then I took it for the next two up to the hut. I can't say that was fun, especially with about an hour of rock steps just before the hut. Luckily, we could then dump all the extras on our beds, and went up to the ridge with a thermal and a bit of water. Glorious views for miles in every direction, a perfect day for the hills. We left the family and walked along the ridge which had some cool knobbly bits to Mount Lincoln, and then back to the hut for a lovely evening of surprisingly tasty food and wine.

Friday Jun 29, 2012 #

7 AM

Running 50:20 intensity: (40 @1) + (3:42 @2) + (17:36 @3) + (19:16 @4) + (9:06 @5) 9.0 km (5:35 / km) +144m 5:11 / km
ahr:171 max:191 shoes: Darth Vader sauconys

Finally manned up and did some running. Out the door, short warm up, 4 x 4 (3), then pick up bag and run into work. Just missed the storm, so it fresh ish out there. Hamstrings stiff from the dead lifts.

Wednesday Jun 27, 2012 #


Oh man. Ladies, you know once about every six months for no apparent reason you get the period of doom? This week seems to be my turn. I hurt a lot in various parts of my torso and abdomen, and I just tried to go and do my intervals but it was very clear very fast it wasn't happening. Boo.

Sorry for too much information, everybody.

Tuesday Jun 26, 2012 #


The lab is too cold. It's loooooooovely.

Cross Fit 45:00 [2]
shoes: Darth Vader sauconys

Cross Fit with Rob. "Easy" work out today, in that I never got out of breath but I'm sure my legs are going to hurt tomorrow. A dead lift series interspersed with ring rows, then 20m Farmer's carry with 15 Burpees. Kelly was there too and we shouted her on as she did some sled pulls. Then we spent all night in various pubs with Kelly then M & M, and it was awesome.

Monday Jun 25, 2012 #

7 AM

Running 51:07 intensity: (38 @1) + (36 @2) + (25:13 @3) + (24:40 @4) 9.37 km (5:27 / km) +217m 4:53 / km
ahr:168 max:182 shoes: Darth Vader sauconys

This run was the most fun I've had in a long time. Not only did I have speedy company and good chat in the form of Mr Sgb (yey!), but we picked the exact 50 mins that there was a mega storm, and thus were running along trails that were mini rivers, and it was so dark at times that I actually turned my ankle twice because I couldn't see the floor. They're fine now though, so nothing to worry about. I think if it was like this every day of summer I'd get kind of annoyed, but today it was soooo much fun.

Not doing Cross Fit tonight as they're doing an aerobic workout with 100cals on the airdyne, and don't want to screw up my legs for intervals tomorrow. Might go tomo evening instead.

Sunday Jun 24, 2012 #


Shattered today but got a lot of chores done around the house, so it wasn't a wasted day. Not going to fight the heat - try to knock out the key sessions but not worry too much about the stuff in between. Missed long run this week, but there was no way that was going to happen. Took the devil cats to the vet today for their vaccinations, and they were lovely (terrified), although Clem did hiss a little tiny bit at jab number two. Then cleaned out our flour moth infestation, spent a huge amount on glass containers at Ikea (but realised that was less than the amount we'd thrown out in food, so worth it). Then Trader Joe's and now house cleaning, but am going to hold off on the hoover because the kittehs had enough stress for one day. Yey!

Saturday Jun 23, 2012 #


No training today but an excellent day of CT fun, including waterfalls, tasty food, feeding pot bellied pigs and ice cream (always ice cream). We feel like we're finally getting the hang of this CT thing. Stunning day too, no humidity to speak of!

Friday Jun 22, 2012 #


Burr Pond State Park, from last weekend:


And the second trip of last Saturday, making a sandwich with our trip to Ratlum Mountain: Camp Columbia State Forest AND Historic Park.
5 AM

Cross Fit 47:13 intensity: (27:17 @1) + (2:30 @2) + (8:26 @3) + (6:24 @4) + (2:36 @5)
ahr:132 max:191 shoes: Darth Vader sauconys

Slept dreadfully last night, kept thinking about the life cycle of the Prometheus/Alien aliens and getting very confused, only to remind myself that they're not real and it's 2.30am and I really should be sleeping. When I was still kind of awake at 4.45 (I must have slept a bit but I remember being awake far too often) I got up and went to 5.30 Cross Fit. Long warm up due to the early hour, with some rowing, external rotations and jumping drills, so glut massage with lacrosse balls, and then the WOD:

7 Cleans 85% 1 RM 55lb (not quite enough but I've not really cleaned from the floor before, so didn't load it up too much)
150 single skips (or 50 double unders - no chance)
14 Deadlifts with the same weight
30 cals on the airdyne

Rest 7 minutes, then do it all again, three times. Took 28.09 in total, but it seems each set was faster. The Airdyne is an instrument of torture, born out by the fact that my HR hit 191 in the space of 90 seconds on the final round. Eurgh.

Running 51:11 intensity: (18 @1) + (3:12 @2) + (32:46 @3) + (14:25 @4) + (30 @5) 6.07 km (8:26 / km) +216m 7:09 / km
ahr:164 max:185 shoes: Darth Vader sauconys

Then drove to Sleeping Giant for the running bit of today's fun. Was not quite 30 degrees by then, but it was uncomfortably humid and I was horribly sweaty. Very stiff at the start but the reps (4x4, 3 mins rest) felt okay - not super fast but they were mostly on technical trails anyway. My HR got up enough to count as a proper rep. On number three I ran to the top of the tower, because it's kind of midsummer morning and you have to do something silly. Because you know, getting up at 4.45 and trying to do cleans before 6am isn't silly enough.

Then went to Will and Claire's to receive their furniture, and was very worried that Brian the mover was going to have a coronary, but he survived and we even donated him one of our Ikea Allen keys, which made him very happy as someone had stolen his. Then I went to work, which is a very sweaty place thanks to Ricardo the safety guy laying down the law on clothing - full leg cover, lab coats, the works. Eurgh. At least I am going to sleep tonight!

Thursday Jun 21, 2012 #


Decided I wasn't going to play in the heat today, and would go and sit in an air conditioned cinema and watch Prometheus instead. Win. I now desperately miss Scotland, thanks to the gratuitous shots of the Old Man Of Storr at the start. Bah.

Wednesday Jun 20, 2012 #


Yup, summer definitely came. Cycle to work was uncomfortably sweaty. My moisturiser melted off my face instantly. Bleurgh.
8 AM

Running 50:03 intensity: (3:04 @1) + (16:10 @2) + (30:49 @3) 7.21 km (6:57 / km) +224m 6:01 / km
ahr:151 max:169 shoes: Darth Vader sauconys

Owwwwww! Mega tight hammies this morning. Did a terrain style run visiting what I think are the three highest points on the hills of East Rock, and felt better by the end, but still a bit decrepit.

In other news, I think summer finally came. Eurgh...
7 PM

Cross Fit 55:30 intensity: (38:54 @1) + (4:02 @2) + (11:48 @3) + (46 @4) 0.4 km (2:18:45 / km)
ahr:119 max:173 shoes: Darth Vader sauconys

Wow. Today was HOT. The car thought it was 32 degrees sensible when we arrived, which was crazy. We did a warm up jog, PVC pipe work, and some nice relaxing back extensiony things. After that we spent five minutes stretching our shoulders with a rubber band, and that felt amazing! Then the WOD:

Pt A
A1. 3 x 8 DB shoulder press, 10lb, rest 30 secs
A2. Support on dip bars, 30 secs, rest 30 secs
A3. L sits on dip bars, 30 secs, rest 30 secs (we did the first ones hanging but my hands were sweating so much that grip was impossible).
A4. Back raises for 30 secs, rest 30 secs.

Done super set stylee, holding ones were tough.

Pt B: AMRAP 12 mins:
40m bear crawl
20 Abmat sit ups
20 KBSDHP (or whatever it is!) 15lb

I did 4 full and got up to 4 extra sit ups. Bear crawls were surprisingly hard. Today would have been pretty easy were it not for the heat. The summer is going to be tough!

Tuesday Jun 19, 2012 #


Mega tired agan this morning, slept in for about ten hours. Surely I don't have Lyme again? Lyme knowledgeable people - can I get another sera test done or will there be persistence of antibody from the last time (November) that will give a positive test anyway?

Felt fine at Cross Fit while actually exercising, and good when I got back. Hmmm. Just down in the dumps? Maybe. Hmmm.


On the same theme, intervals today is supposed to be 6 x 800m, but that sounds long and boring and is not motivating me to get out there when I get home. Someone suggest a fun shorter session to make me get out there this evening!
5 PM

Running 1:10:28 intensity: (7:06 @1) + (9:11 @2) + (42:43 @3) + (6:24 @4) + (5:04 @5) 11.84 km (5:57 / km) +46m 5:50 / km
ahr:157 max:192 shoes: Darth Vader sauconys

After spending the whole afternoon trying to persuade myself of out them (see above) I manned up and jogged home before attempting some short and sweet intervals. Was going to go to do Crossfit endurance, but they were doing a normal WOD, so stole one of their old sessions instead. 3 sets of 100m, 200m, 400m, with the same time as your rep to rest. They were fun! When I got to three sets I realised there was no way you were allowed to stop an intervals session at the 100m line, and did another set to finish down the home straight instead. Lots of people at the track tonight, some actual runners interspersed amongst the joggers and long jumpers and even rugby players on the pitch in the middle. Actually fun. Then extended the warm down and did a nice ten mins walk at the end too.

20, 41, 1.28
18, 42, 1.26
20, 41, 1.26
18, 41, 1.25

Stretching 14:48 intensity: (50 @0) + (13:58 @1)
ahr:89 max:106

Stretchy time. Ow.

Monday Jun 18, 2012 #


In anticipation of the temperatures reaching 30 degrees sensible this week, they've started the aircon on max setting already at work. It's bloody freezing!
8 AM

Running 40:16 intensity: (3:24 @1) + (10:23 @2) + (22:24 @3) + (4:05 @4) 7.03 km (5:44 / km) +81m 5:25 / km
ahr:156 max:183 shoes: Darth Vader sauconys

Tester run, first 20 mins or so with Rob. Nothing felt very good (particularly my stomach) but nothing felt awful either. I guess that's a green light then.
7 PM

Cross Fit 49:49 intensity: (1:49 @0) + (29:11 @1) + (1:57 @2) + (6:46 @3) + (9:27 @4) + (39 @5)
ahr:110 max:184 shoes: Darth Vader sauconys

Back to Cross Fit! Throat still feels a bit scratchy but the rest generally okay. Very squat heavy tonight, so we'll see how the quads do on the track tomorrow. Warm up with 2 x 10 of sumo high pulls, good mornings, knees to chest and 8 each side (10lb) of Powell Raises. Then onto the WOD:

1000m row (4.25)

3 mins rest

5 mins AMRAP of:
7 Goblet Squats 18lb
7 KBS 18lb
7 OHS 33lb
Did 4 complete + GS + KBS +2 OHS

3 mins rest
5 OHS 33lb
6 Box jumps middle height
7 Burpees
Did 3 complete +2 OHS

Heck, that one was tough. How are Burpees so so so hard?!

Sunday Jun 17, 2012 #

12 PM

Cycling 2:01:34 intensity: (1:39:17 @1) + (10:19 @2) + (11:58 @3)
ahr:128 max:169

Still not feeling massively motivated but the weather was amazing again and Rob needed to do some work, so I got out of the house. Took the bike out (it's a MTB but I stayed on the roads) and found a really great route roughly based on some of M & M's travels. The north side of Sleeping Giant is like stepping into France, and I saw a woodchuck in one of the orchard fields looking very happy. Very hungry by the final half an hour and legs were jelly by the end. Shouldn't have procrastinated so much after breakfast! Throat is still scratchy but I think I should probably get back to it.

Thursday Jun 14, 2012 #


Throat less painfully swollen today but I'm stuck out at West Campus at a conference all day. Then get to pick Rob up - yey!

Wednesday Jun 13, 2012 #


Actually sick. Throat is all swollen up and sore. Actually quite happy with this, as it means my complete inability to motivate myself to do anything yesterday was likely physical in nature. Today I have to present some data though, so I have to go in for a at least a little bit.


My very good friend Becky (not me), just got offered a job at KI in Stockholm, the Sundbyberg campus. If you know of anyone looking for a room mate or a flat going free in the area, let me know!

Tuesday Jun 12, 2012 #


Unsurprisingly, the way I feel this morning suggests I may have overdone it this week... noooo. Not falling apart, just de-motivated. I should probably have that rest day I should have had on Friday or yesterday.

Monday Jun 11, 2012 #

7 AM

Running 44:31 intensity: (5:23 @1) + (14:29 @2) + (24:39 @3) 5.87 km (7:35 / km) +223m 6:22 / km
ahr:148 max:165

Went to the north end of West Rock for a "Recovery" jog. It didn't really happen, because the path was really gnarly, so it was a energy sapping plod instead. You win some, you lose some. Will stick with East Rock the next time I do one.

Cross Fit 1:01:57 intensity: (33:32 @1) + (7:55 @2) + (15:42 @3) + (4:48 @4)
ahr:138 max:182

Session led by Jeremy this time, with some dreadful dreadful music. Who likes Maroon 5? That guys voice is the most irritating I have ever heard, and moves like Jagger is absolutely sodding awful. Possibly the worst track of the decade.

Anyway, a warm up of 4 minutes skipping work - I actually did some double unders this time, so my six year old self is returning. Then some PVC pipe work doing all the components of thrusters separately, then some lunge complexes, inchworms and shoulder stretches to warm up. Then ten minutes to figure out our one rep max for Thrusters - I got to 73lb, and could probably have gone a bit higher, but glad I didn't

Then the WOD:
Every 90 seconds for 9 mins:
3 x 80% max thrusters (was starting to almost fail on the penultimate round, so this was definitely enough weight - 58lb
5, 10, 5m shuttle run

5 mins rest

5 dips (used red band for 4, then had to switch to blue as hit FAIL)
8 wall balls 10lb.

Really tough on the shoulders, washing my hair in the shower afterwards was tough! This is still a ridiculous amount of fun though. Small class today, just the four of us, so got plenty of technique comments. It's coming along nicely!

Sunday Jun 10, 2012 #

10 AM

Running 1:36:03 intensity: (11:14 @1) + (23:13 @2) + (1:01:28 @3) + (8 @4) 14.03 km (6:51 / km) +291m 6:12 / km
ahr:152 max:174 shoes: Grey Saucony Excursion

Made good use of my water authority pass and went for a run around Lake Hammonasset. Actually used my Garmin to relocate as the smaller trials were not well marked as they stripped off the main one, and I was way further along than I thought I was. Beautiful day, mid 20s (in sensible temperature scales), a little breeze and almost no humidity. Legs were tired and the muscles in my chest were sore from Friday. Still great to be out, but felt vindicated in the decision not to drive all the way to the Blue Hills.

After running I had lunch at RJ Julia's in Madison, followed by a scoop of ice cream at Ashley's (I'm very proud of my recently gained ability to only order a single scoop of ice cream), and then went for a dip in the sea at Hammonasset! It's no longer icy cold out there, and was actually very pleasant. There was a big kite flying competition and it looked kind of fun. A good day to be in CT. If only it didn't have to get any hotter.

Saturday Jun 9, 2012 #

10 AM

Cycling 1:34:41 intensity: (59:15 @1) + (18:55 @2) + (16:31 @3)
ahr:133 max:170

Mountain Biking at Huntington with Sarah. She's pretty mean on the downhills and I was being creaky and scared, but it was fun to do something different. At the end we tried to cross the beaver dam with a "Trail" across it, but it actually involved lots of balancing on logs with bikes over our heads. After Cross Fit yesterday, that hurt!

I felt I was more proficient on the bike today than I was at the MTBO, but I am still definitely rubbish.

Friday Jun 8, 2012 #

5 PM

Running 29:26 intensity: (1:01 @1) + (12:10 @2) + (16:15 @3) 5.24 km (5:37 / km) +42m 5:24 / km
ahr:151 max:165

Recovery run along the Farmington Canal before Cross Fit. A couple of the other guys had the same plan, but we were all at odds with time and didn't realise till we all turned up at the class. Nice section of the trail, green and cool.

Cross Fit 49:33 intensity: (18:15 @1) + (3:12 @2) + (22:02 @3) + (6:04 @4) 0.2 km (4:07:45 / km) +5m 3:40:13 / km
ahr:141 max:177

Today was supposed to be my easy day, but Monique had other ideas. Luckily it was easy on the legs, so I think that still counts. Nice long warm up with running skipping, bum kicks, squats and wall angels. Then a bit of calf and hip stretchy time. Then the WOD - 60 secs on the Airdyne (eurgh), 30 seconds rest, then 9-7-5 of KB swings (26lb), jumping pull ups and toes to bar, then 3.30 rest - that whole thing 4 times over. My toes go nowhere near the bar, but that was still the killer exercise. It requires a huge amount of grip strength that takes a lot of resolve. I now have lifting welts back on my hands again :s. Done in 35.58

But I'm getting to know the core group of people and they're all really great, and I can shave a lot of time off that workout when my grip improves and I don't spend thirty seconds staring at the bar going "really" in my head, whilst Monique giggles at me.

This has been a fantastic week's training, and I feel tired, but not crazy tired. It's really fun! Yey!

Thursday Jun 7, 2012 #

6 PM

Running 1:00:04 intensity: (1:37 @1) + (8:22 @2) + (32:13 @3) + (17:52 @4) 9.65 km (6:14 / km) +228m 5:34 / km
ahr:161 max:183 shoes: Red Saucony Cohesion

Intervals at West Rock. Marie and I managed to totally fail with co-ordination a second day running, and so these were solo. Was planning on 4 x 4 mins with 2 mins rest, but then I realised my HR wasn't anywhere near high enough on the first and did an extra at the end. A good mix of hills, flat & fast, and complex rocky stuff. Woods were looking beautiful, it was a great session. Passed a biker who was doing an admirable job of trying to accomplish the impossible going up the purple trail, which is pretty deadly. Met up with M at the end, so we still got our good girlie chat. Yey!

Wednesday Jun 6, 2012 #

4 PM

Running 1:01:06 intensity: (2:09 @1) + (10:54 @2) + (47:46 @3) + (17 @4) 7.73 km (7:54 / km) +315m 6:34 / km
ahr:153 max:172

Thought I would make the most of heading north for Cross Fit and headed to Sleeping Giant for a run beforehand. Kept the pace cruisey but despite trying to stay on the flatter paths, they were still pretty rocky and thus it was good terrain training. Sleeping Giant is a really fun place to run. I will do this combo more often.

Had the best timing ever and got back to the car at exactly the second a mega downpour started. Also saw trail running Alex out there on the trails, said congratulations but I'm not sure he recognised me. He would have been less lucky with the timing!

Cross Fit 35:24 intensity: (30:00 @1) + (3:03 @2) + (2:21 @3) 0.0 km
ahr:116 max:159

Second Cross Fit Session. Air squats, ring rows, lunge complexes and DB external rotation to warm up. Then some hip stretchy time, which felt good after running. Then the WOD : a strength based one this time so no timing or AMRAPs.

Superset of 4 x 3 back squats 73lb with 4 x 6 DB Bent over row 2 x 20lb. The squat technique goes really low so that was actually plenty of weight. It's good to have Dan checking on your technique, I've missed Steve.

Then superset of 3 x 10 weighted step ups 2 x 15lb, then 3 x 6 renegade rows (press up position rows) 15lb.

Finally 3 x 30sec intervals of walking lunge sled pushing, which looks something like this, but with lunges:

We used a girlie weight of 50lb.

It was really fun! I made some nice friends too, which is definitely a good thing.

Tuesday Jun 5, 2012 #

8 AM

Running 1:10:20 intensity: (3:58 @1) + (7:29 @2) + (30:09 @3) + (15:22 @4) + (13:22 @5) 11.87 km (5:56 / km) +77m 5:44 / km
ahr:165 max:193 shoes: Grey Saucony Excursion

The warm up to this session felt horrible. I was stiff, but not DOMS-y, and I drank too much water before leaving and felt like throwing up. Then the first rep was horrible. Then something clicked and the rest of the session felt like the best one I've done in ages. So that was good. Session was 8 x 600 with decreasing rests of 90, 90, 80, 80, 70, 70, 60. Some nice people on the track today but lots of geese too, had to detour off the optimal line on every lap I think. Times:


Monday Jun 4, 2012 #

8 AM

Running 53:00 intensity: (52 @1) + (7:08 @2) + (39:23 @3) + (5:37 @4) 8.32 km (6:22 / km) +205m 5:40 / km
ahr:159 max:176 shoes: Grey Saucony Excursion

"Easy" morning run. Didn't feel easy. Quads still feel weird. And near the end I got a stitch! Can't remember the last time that happened.

Could this be because I fuelled myself dreadfully Weds-Fri when I was on my feet for ten hours a day in the lab?
6 PM

Cross Fit 54:35 intensity: (35:52 @1) + (5:55 @2) + (11:01 @3) + (1:47 @4)
ahr:128 max:180 shoes: Grey Saucony Excursion

First proper Cross Fit Class! Pretty scared, but luckily Kelly came along and talked me through everything. Warm up of skipping, jogging, back raises, squat thrusty press up things. Then some shoulder mobility uses PVC pipes, which I was comically confused by. Then the WOD:

5 Heavy push presses 53lb, AMRAP pull ups (but I did ring pulls) 90sec: 22 4.30 rest,

5 Heavy push presses 53lb, AMRAP rowing cals 90sec: 13 cals
4.30 rest,

5 Heavy push presses 63lb, AMRAP ring pulls 90 secs: 23
4.30 rest

5 Heavy push presses 73lb, AMRAP Farmers walk 45lb: 2 lengths
4.30 rest

5 Heavy push presses 73lb, AMRAP pull ups w/ red & blue bands about 8-10. Kind of lost count in the pain.

So that was it! The final two push presses were really hard, so I don't think I wimped out too much at the beginning. Saying that, my feet were leaving the floor, so perhaps they were a little too easy! Really fun, lots of nice people - looking forward to the next session.

Edit: I'm pretty amazed that my HR reached 180 on those final push presses! Guess they were hard!

Sunday Jun 3, 2012 #

10 AM

Orienteering 53:26 intensity: (27 @1) + (14 @2) + (3:54 @3) + (38:48 @4) + (10:03 @5) 6.82 km (7:50 / km) +169m 6:59 / km
ahr:178 max:187

NEOC Meet at Gay City. $10 for pin punching, whoo! Having said that, once that little scaryness was out of the way, it was a very pleasant course in surprisingly good woods for June. Plenty of path routes and some good choice legs. My legs felt bad - my quads just didn't want to go anywhere, and it made me feel pretty miserable physically. Navigation wise no great boos, but a few small time losses. Faffed in the thicker re-entrant between 3-4, should have looped even more left, and decided to do it straightaway. At 5 I never saw the wall cross the path, my AP, but realised I'd passed it thanks to the hill shape and only overshot a little. Almost screwed 8, despite actually seeing the distinct tree, didn't see the kite where I expected it and started to think I'd not gone far enough. Then I saw reach zero in on the kite like a laser guided missile, and it was hidden behind a pile of branches exactly where I thought it should have been :s. Wrong route to 9, should have gone a little west or maybe very west to the track. After that fine but very slow.


Seems I didn't go anywhere near the significant tree on the way to 8 after all. Might explain my lack of confidence in finding the feature.

Saturday Jun 2, 2012 #


I'm sitting trying to eat lunch and Rosie keeps nudging my arm then licking the sweat off it. Mmmm.


I think maybe I have my first case of poison ivy. I have a mysterious red rash in a few places. Why do these things always happen when you're home alone?!
10 AM

Orienteering 1:17:33 intensity: (27 @1) + (12 @2) + (10:20 @3) + (1:00:42 @4) + (5:52 @5) 9.34 km (8:18 / km) +186m 7:33 / km
ahr:176 max:187

One man relay at Hoyt Boy Scout Camp. Pavi and Joe had obviously realised I was feeling a bit homesick, and planned an excellent day of British summer weather (though maybe a little too warm, our raining days don't usually reach 19oC) and a home style course with lots of path routes, some patches of nice forest and some spiky marshy grot to top it all off.

Only real mistake was on the first loop, where I couldn't find the path I wanted and fannied around looking for it instead of just heading down the stream. Other than that I was not aggressive through the crappy bits, but given how tired I was before I started, I was pleasantly surprised. An excellent day to get back into training.

Course 1

Wow, I really did fanny around on the way to three. Excellent.

Course 2

Not much to see here, slight wobble on the way to six.

Course 3

I did indeed accidentally end up OOB. I though I was crossing the full wall to the north in the same direction, and not the ruined one marking the OOB. Oops! My direction was generally dreadful through the rough stuff - more aggression needed to go straighter? Swing to the right intentional after 4 to avoid gunk. Then stopped at the wall because I was very confused by the 90 degree wall which is actually completely hidden by the line for a short time.

Friday Jun 1, 2012 #


Oops! Training week fail. I at least cycled to work this morning so I'd get something in. Today is looking decidedly less crazy though, and my house is now full of food, so there's still hope for this evening.

Edit: One more hour or so of work to be done, and I am pooped. Back to being good tomorrow!

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