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Training Log Archive: hf

In the 1 days ending Mar 25, 2007:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Orienteering1 1:09:30
  Running1 15:00
  Total1 1:24:30

» now

Sunday Mar 25, 2007 #

Running warm up/down 15:00 [2]

Warm up for the relay race. After a day spent sleeping, eating and lying around, my legs feel better now. Let's see how it goes...

Orienteering race 1:09:30 [3]

Spring Cup Relay, was running the 1st leg.

I did feel okay in the start, but already then all the others were running much faster than me. I could stay in the large running group only because my orienteering was relatively clean. However, as the race continued, I more and more had troubles keeping the pace, and as a result of that I once followed the wrong group which resulted in a bad route and more seconds lost. However, it just got worse and worse, and after a stupid 2min mistake, I was running all alone, well behind the leading group. I wasn't able to keep the pace of anyone and just had to manage to finish the race. The legs felt okay, but my body was totally refusing physical activity. In the finish, I was 19min behind the lead (!) with at most 3min of mistakes. Worse it simply can't get.

What to do now? After the race, I didn't feel well at all, but I don't feel sick neither. For sure I have to visit a doctor to check everything (blood and so).
Is it due to too much training lately? Probably. However, I felt okay back on thursday, and such a rapid shape breakdown is hard to explain by overtraining theory.
No matter what, I will rest now and train max 30min a day until I have the results from the doctor. That f***ing sh** really destroyed my self confidence and I feel really lost right now. I just hope it is nothing serious and I come back on track soon.

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