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Training Log Archive: jjcote

In the 1 days ending Mar 2, 2011:

» now

Wednesday Mar 2, 2011 #


A rare log entry here, but I wanted this to get a slightly larger audience: I'm on the Conservation Commission in the town where I live, and as part of the revised Open Space Plan, we are adopting a set of regulations for the use of the conservation land in town. I had objected to the first paragraph when the draft version was brought before us, and I objected again tonight. I was successfully able to persuade the commission members of my point of view, and so now, unlike all of the other similar sets of regulations that had been looked at, the hours of operation will not be restricted. It would have been the case that the conservation lands were open dawn to dusk unless a special permit had been obtained, but now they will be open around the clock.

In Lunenburg MA, at least, Night Orienteering is not a crime!

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