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Training Log Archive: Atropos

In the 1 days ending Sep 20, 2010:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Core Strength1 45:00
  Total1 45:00

» now

Monday Sep 20, 2010 #

Core Strength 45:00 [3]

I had planned on going swimming as an alternative to club run tonight ( I didn't feel like running after the weekend) but I forgot to check the pool schedule. By the time I realised that the public swim didn't start until 7 30 I was already out at UBC with my swimming stuff. Louise was nice enough to lend me some clothes and excercise paraphernalia which I took out to the grass in front of her apartment and did core exercises. Louise, Cara, and Kristian joined me for a few minutes when they were done their runs.

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