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Training Log Archive: rojewski

In the 7 days ending Aug 11, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+ft
  run3 1:49:00
  fast walk2 1:40:00 4.0 6.44
  Total5 3:29:00 4.0 6.44
averages - weight:127.4lbs

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Sunday Aug 11, 2013 #

fast walk 1:00:00 [3] 4.0 mi (15:00 / mi)

Got Dakota Casey and Brian to all go! I walked with Brian and then ran ahead a little, turned around caught back up to Brian and then walked back to the truck with him. Nice day to be out! We stopped both out and back to let Dakota see the cows. The first time he growled at them, go figure! The second time he wanted to run away from them! HA!

Friday Aug 9, 2013 #

fast walk 40:00 [3]

I have been forced to a walk! I've been hurting pretty good since last night. Trying to get it under control but this time it's not calming down. The dogs and I headed out this morning. They were disappointed we only walked but they were still happy to be out. I also changed things up on them and we headed out toward Van Orden Rd today. Dakota was confused and tried to challenge me a bit when I turned left instead of right. It was a super nice cool sunny morning.

Thursday Aug 8, 2013 #

run 44:00 [3]

Casey Dakota and I all headed out together this morning for the usual romp. Thank goodness it was dry today! We went from the truck to Wallace road and back. Of course Casey had to take a dump in the first half mile and Dakota waited until we had about a mile left to go before we were done! A nice and peaceful morning for all of us to be out and start the day!

Wednesday Aug 7, 2013 #

run 25:00 [3]

I thought we were going to beat the rain or at least we thought it was going to miss us. So I headed out with both dogs this morning. It was super dark, but we could see the lighter sky to the west. As we headed out we got about 1.5 miles out and it was thundering and a huge flash of lightning made us abruptly turn around and high tail it back to the truck! We had a mile left to go and it started dumping rain on us! All of us were soaked by the time we got to the truck.

Tuesday Aug 6, 2013 #

run 40:00 [3]

Casey Dakota and i headed out this morning for a romp before work. Dakota is getting the hang of what he is supposed to do.Things were a bit different this morning. Our little workout was smooth and kinda uneventful. It felt good to get a workout in today though.

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