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Training Log Archive: rojewski

In the 7 days ending Dec 22, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+ft
  run5 3:50:00 4.0 6.44
  lifiting2 40:00
  Total5 4:30:00 4.0 6.44
averages - weight:126.9lbs

» now

Sunday Dec 22, 2013 #

run 45:00 [3]

Slip sliding away today and got on the tm to run. Feeling a bit dragged out. This ice storm was pretty wicked! Trees are falling everywhere, but it's really pretty outside. If the sun would shine it would be gorgeous! I got interrupted by a phone call to help with my mom since she still has no power.

Friday Dec 20, 2013 #

run 50:00 [3]

Had to hit the TM this morning since we have freezing rain. My quads are a bit sore from yesterday but I feel like I'm getting stronger each week.
Started out the first 5 mins walking and then kicked it up to 5.5 for 10 mins. I decided that when a commercial came on I would kick the speed up for the duration of the commercials and then kick back down. I kicked the speed up to 6.2 and then kicked down to 5.7. This felt good and was just hard enough.

lifiting 20:00 [3]

Did the following after my run:

2 sets of 10 butterflies
2 sets of 10 ab crunches
1 min 30 sec plank
20 5 lb goblet squats

stretching after I finished all of this.

Thursday Dec 19, 2013 #

run 40:00 [3] 4.0 mi (10:00 / mi)

I woke up this morning to temps in the upper 20's this morning with no wind. Hmmm.... change in plans, we are going outside!!!!!!! The dirt roads are in good shape. Casey knew the minute I grabbed my tights what was going on! We started out walking for a few minutes and then broke into a run. I guess I am better off than I thought! We went from the truck to Wallace Rd. and back. The little hills did feel like work but it sure felt good to get outside for a run! Even if it was pitch dark. The dogs were super excited and we a bundle of energy to handle. Feeling awesome!!! My biggest thing right now is building a good base. I think I'm well on my way!!!

Wednesday Dec 18, 2013 #

run 50:00 [3]

Tm this morning and feeling really good. I started out the first 5 mins walking and then kicked it up to 5.5 for 10 mins I decided I felt good enough to give it a bump up and see how that went. I bumped it up to 5.7 and felt awesome so I just kept it there until I was done. My HR was in the 140's until about the last 10 mins and then it was in the 150's.

lifiting 20:00 [3]

After I ran I did the following:

2 sets of 10 ab crunches
2 sets of 10 butterflies
1 1 min 30 sec plank
20 ab rollers
20 goblet squats

Stretched after I finished all of this.

Monday Dec 16, 2013 #

run 45:00 [3]

Still have nasty weather and wind chills below zero. Hopped on the TM this morning and at first had thoughts of not doing this. But I conned myself into staying on and getting it done. It turned out to be a really good run that once I got into it the time flew by. I started the first 5 mins walking and then kicked the speed up to 5.5. WIth 15 mins left I kicked the speed up again to 5.7 for 5 mins and then kicked it back down to 5.5 for the rest of the run. HR was in the 140's for the entire time once I got myself warmed up.

When I was finished with my run I did:

2 sets of 10 ab crunches
1 min 15 sec plank.

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