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Training Log Archive: rojewski

In the 7 days ending Dec 29, 2013:

activity # timemileskm+ft
  run3 2:32:00 5.4 8.69
  long run1 2:05:00 9.0(13:53) 14.48(8:38)
  long hike on trails1 1:50:00
  Michigan Mountain slog1 50:00
  lifiting1 20:00
  Total6 7:37:00 14.4 23.17
averages - weight:125.4lbs

» now

Sunday Dec 29, 2013 #

long run 2:05:00 [3] 9.0 mi (13:53 / mi)

Since the temp was above freezing again this morning I decided I should get the dogs out at poto one more time. They had a blast today and are tired! We ran more but were cautious where there was rutty ice. I think I smiled the whole way and felt great. We pretty much had the trail to ourselves and only saw maybe three people out there. Well deserved naps for all of us this afternoon!!! I'm seeing the old me coming back!

Saturday Dec 28, 2013 #

long hike on trails 1:50:00 [3]

Since it was a nice day I took the dogs to the trails. I wore screw shoes. Some of the trail was rutty and icy but also other parts were not bad and runnable. I ran when I felt up to it and walked when I had enough. I went from the parking lot to stone fireplace turned at the next intersection to come out at the guard shack took lossee lake trail to the beach went thrum the parking lot to the trail by the beach ( backwards to what I normally do) then we felt good enough to the shortcut past stairway to heaven ( so instead of going up we went down) we saw my friend Matt while out there and stood and talked for a few minutes. Dakota was a tired boy when we were getting close to being done. A great day to be out!!!!

Thursday Dec 26, 2013 #

Michigan Mountain slog 50:00 [3]

Lots and lots of snow this morning! Got on the TM and went today and feeling good!
5 mins flat @ 4.0
40 mins @ 10% incline @ 4.0
5 mins flat @ 4.0

Wednesday Dec 25, 2013 #

run 57:00 [3] 5.4 mi (10:33 / mi)

A christmas morning run with the dogs outside despite the fridgid temps and icy dirt roads. It sure felt good to be out today! I started the first few minutes walking and getting my legs moving then we broke into a nice easy pace.As we ran dakota had to stop to poop around 1.5 miles so we stopped and then we walked a bit before breaking into a run again. I wasn't in a hurry today as I enjoyed looking at the trees encased still in ice and when the wind blew the trees sounded like glass banging against themselves. I decided to do the wallace rd loop when I got to the 2 mile point since we all were really enjoying the run. I ran the rest of the way after dakotas poop break. Even up the hills, I just plodded along with a smile on my face.

Tuesday Dec 24, 2013 #

run 1:05:00 [3]

Wind chills are hovering near zero so once again I hit the tm. I did the first 5 mins walking and then put the speed up to 5.3. Thiz was comfortable and I knew since I was going a bit longer I thought o would keep it managable and of I wanted I could speed it up later. What I ended up doing during this run was when a commercial came on I put the incline up to 2 percent amd kept the speed at 5.3. The hills lastest anywhere frm 4 mins to 6 mins. I was pretty happy to get this run completed without stopping.

lifiting 20:00 [3]

After running I got the following in

2 sets of 10 ab crunches
2 sets of 10 butterflies
20 ab rollers
20 5# weighted goblet squats

Stretching afterwards

Monday Dec 23, 2013 #

run 30:00 [3]

Got on this morning and went for a quick run. Feeling good! Still icy outside today a lot of the trees are still falling and encased in ice!!!

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