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Training Log Archive: Zippy

In the 31 days ending Aug 31, 2012:

activity # timemileskm+ft
  MTB5 8:38:24 73.43(8.5/h) 118.17(13.7/h) 9629
  Road Bike8 8:28:53 142.86(16.8/h) 229.91(27.1/h) 4792
  Swimming11 6:48:00 11.67(34:58) 18.78(21:44)
  Run7 5:40:11 35.44(9:36) 57.03(5:58) 3318
  Xterra1 2:31:00
  Body Surf1 20:00
  Total20 32:26:28 263.4 423.89 17740

» now

Wednesday Aug 29, 2012 #

MTB 1:39:05 [3] 13.7 mi (8.3 mph) +1661ft

On the SS out at SCST. No cash = no gas = sticking to the local stuff. Would love to get up to Idyllwild for some Fall riding. Temps were better than predicted and I got out reasonably early. Not training, just playing.

Tuesday Aug 28, 2012 #

Run 55:54 [3] 5.33 mi (10:29 / mi) +605ft 9:28 / mi

Easy run out at SCST. Legs heavy from riding the SS yesterday. Warm out with a hot wind; late start because the painters sealed me in.

Monday Aug 27, 2012 #

MTB 1:20:00 [3] 13.0 mi (9.7 mph) +1200ft

Garmin quit so data is a total guess. Busy season is winding down at work; fingers crossed this weekend is more of a whimper than a blow-out. No money to pay for swimming right now so gonna plug the gap with paddling. Rear der cable broke, so broke out the SS and played around on the local trails. No goals right now beyond "don't get fat".

Wednesday Aug 22, 2012 #


Took a hard look at our finances and my 2012 season is over. Holly has Noble Canyon 50k coming up, but we can't afford for me to go to Xterra Nationals. Totally SUCKS because I wanted to see how I do against the best. Meh.

Bonelli Oly is 130 (wow!) and we'll be in Hawaii for the San Jac Enduro. LAME.

See you next year.

MTB 1:47:35 [3] 15.02 mi (8.4 mph) +1842ft

Dinking around out on the local trails. Head pulled off my rear der cable. Might be time to put the SS 29'er back together anyway. Eh.

Monday Aug 20, 2012 #

Swimming 1:04:00 [3] 1.82 mi (35:10 / mi)

200 SKPS

500 pull
5 x 100
500 pull
10 x 50

200 STK

Not a great workout. Really tired and times were pretty pathetic.

Sunday Aug 19, 2012 #

MTB 1:04:42 [3] 10.64 mi (9.9 mph) +1244ft

Two laps out at SCST. Temps better than yesterday, almost cool in the deepest canyons. Moving well.

Run 34:58 [3] 4.0 mi (8:45 / mi) +311ft 8:09 / mi

Out and back at SCST after ride. A spring in my stride that's been missing for quite a while.

Saturday Aug 18, 2012 #

Run 41:30 [3] 5.51 mi (7:32 / mi) +200ft 7:17 / mi

Neg split run at El Moro on the multi-use path. Early start for me (7: 30) and already HOT and steamy out. Friggin' OVER this weather already.

Body Surf 20:00 [3]

Barely worth logging...

Big surf, steep beach and the gnarliest backwash I've ever dealt with. Got drilled so bad I was clearing water out of my sinuses for the next two hours. "Elevators" is a no-joke shore POUND, folks.

Friday Aug 17, 2012 #

Road Bike 1:11:35 [4] 21.6 mi (18.1 mph) +654ft

LT reps through San Onofre; first at 16 mins or so, second at 18 mins. Second got messed up a bit thanks to traffic through San O and the stopsign at Ave Magdalena. I'll admit this workout seems like more than I think I'm capable of. Synching my mental perception of my fitness with my body's capabilities = daily struggle.

AVG PWR: 257
AHR: 168
PW:HR: 6.04%

APWR: 245
AHR: 173
PW:HR: 4.74%

Run 30:28 [2] 3.9 mi (7:49 / mi) +281ft 7:19 / mi

Drove to work and did an aerobic out and back in the canyon. Love my office! A little hungry-flat toward the end, but managed. Hup, Hup, Buttercup!

Thursday Aug 16, 2012 #

Swimming 1:00:00 [3] 2.5 km (24:00 / km)

200 SKPS

500 pull on 10:00 (9:00)
5 x 100 on :15 (1:55-1:58)
500 pull (9:00

200 STK

Taking my meters medicine.

Goal was 3K, but ran out of time; needed another 10 mins. It'll come. Tired and sore from Tuesday's set, but still getting it done. Found some SIU pills in the back of the cabinet.

Road Bike 45:55 [1] 12.8 mi (16.7 mph) +520ft

Easy coastal recovery spin.


Qualified for Xterra Nationals on a wing and a prayer. No idea how I'm going to finance a trip to Ogden, UT on our shoestring budget. GAH!

Wednesday Aug 15, 2012 #

Swimming 20:00 [2] 0.6 mi (33:19 / mi)

200 SKPS (last 200 at 3:16 "just swimming")

200 STK

Arms def tired from yesterday's big set, but I'm impressed that I was able to put down some decent times even being tired. Boggles my mind how we used to crank out 20,000 yards a week on the swim team. Yikes!

MTB 2:47:02 [3] 21.07 mi (7.6 mph) +3682ft

San Juan Trail to Blue Jay and back. Cooler than it's been, but still feeling the heat on the south-facing slopes. Decent digger trying to climb "the waterfall" left me a nice elbow scrape. Thought I could put down a faster time than this; a little disappointed and confused. It felt good and I'm not sure what's holding me back.

Tuesday Aug 14, 2012 #

Swimming 1:03:00 [3] 1.82 mi (34:37 / mi)

200 SKPS

500 pull (7:30)
5 x 100 free on 2:00 (1:38's)
500 pull
10 x 50 free on :60 (:48's)

200 STK

Mixing it up a bit. Trying to organize it so my workouts are done before Holly gets home from work. Need a BIG swim somewhere in the week and Tuesday fits best. I need to get my ass out of bed and get to the pool when it's still meters (7-9AM). SUCK IT UP PALMER!

Road Bike 58:04 [2] 16.0 mi (16.5 mph) +639ft

Easy peasy coastal recovery spin. Much cooler today, thank GOD.

Monday Aug 13, 2012 #

Run 1:00:25 [3] 5.46 mi (11:04 / mi) +604ft 10:01 / mi

Aborted long run out at SCST. Just too hot and humid, even with a 10 AM start. Need to get up earlier so I can get stuff done before the heat sets in.

Swimming 21:00 [2] 0.67 mi (31:21 / mi)

200 SKPS

300 pull

Chased out of the water by the grommet swim team. Blah.

Friday Aug 10, 2012 #

Road Bike 1:14:36 [4] 21.76 mi (17.5 mph) +636ft

LT intervals through San Onofre; 2 x 15 at FTP with 5 min recovery. Played with 30 sec VO2 max bursts last 1/2 of each interval. New burst every 2 mins. HARD.

1) AP: 263
NP: 265
AHR: 170
PW:HR: 4.99%

2)AP: 260
NP: 264
AHR: 179
PW:HR: 4.12%

Run 30:02 [2] 3.74 mi (8:02 / mi) +342ft 7:23 / mi

Aerobic run in Moro Cyn for work PT. Need to get up earlier; boss isn't stoked on mhow much I "PT".

Thursday Aug 9, 2012 #

Swimming 40:00 [3] 1.6 km (25:00 / km)

200 SKPS

200 pull
4 x 50
200 pull

200 STK

Forgot Tues and Thurs are long course at the local pool. I had a nice surprise when I walked out of the locker room! Fact: swimming meters is HARD.

Road Bike 32:00 [1] 8.6 mi (16.1 mph) +90ft

Easy coast ride. Cut short 'cause I had to get to work.


Switched from night shift 2PM-midnight to a mid-shift 10AM-8PM. The change is kicking my ass right now.

Wednesday Aug 8, 2012 #

Run 1:26:54 [3] 7.5 mi (11:35 / mi) +975ft 10:19 / mi

Long run out at SCST. So hot I wound up walking after 43 mins in. Ran into the resources staff and showed them some of the issues out there. They were happy for the heads-up. Hope it cools off soon, this heat is killing me.

Swimming 30:00 [3] 0.9 mi (33:21 / mi)

200 SKPS

500 pull

200 STK

Easy post-run recovery swim. Pull set more for feel and rhythm than anything.

Tuesday Aug 7, 2012 #

Swimming 30:00 [2] 0.9 mi (33:21 / mi)

200 SKPS
last 20 in 3:20-ish

5 x 100 on 2:00
1:37, 1:36, 1:35, 1:34, 1:31

200 STK

No idea where that speed came from on the 100's. Where was that speed this weekend!?

Road Bike 59:59 [1] 16.12 mi (16.1 mph) +642ft

Easy out and back on the coast. Hot and humid.

Monday Aug 6, 2012 #

Swimming 20:00 [1] 0.6 mi (33:19 / mi)

200 SKPS (3:20-ish last 200 swim)

200 STK

Super-easy recovery swim. Changes coming to my swim routine. I lose too much time in the water.

Road Bike 1:57:13 [2] 32.78 mi (16.8 mph) +1097ft

Aerobic road ride. Keeping it easy after the race this weekend, but wanted a little more saddle time than an hour. Ran into a UCC rider and we chatted for a while. Dude wound up being a chatter box! That's what I get for talking to strangers.

Saturday Aug 4, 2012 #

Xterra (Xterra Sow Valley) 2:31:00 [5]

Even a blind squirrel gets a nut every once in a while...

Fish nibbling my toes/feet waiting for the start; CREEPY.

Horrible swim, gassed and switched to backstroke twice, swimming zig-zags and not drafting worth a damn. Meh. Supposed to be 1000 yards, but felt like twice that. 19:30 - mid-pack, I think. Fastest split at 13:24. 1200 yards, maybe?

Felt ok the first lap on the bike. I knew the longer course would eat people up, so I focused on just being smooth and not over-exerting at altitude. Crashed early in lap 2 trying to make a pass on an off-camber DH section. Lap 2 and guys started popping; I felt good, so I picked it up a bit. Lap traffic and sport race all mixed in so I had NO IDEA where I was. Just head down, racing and having FUN.

One lap of this run is hard enough. TWO was going to be insane. Luckily, they took the ski run climb out, but left in the REALLY steep hill that tops out by the water tank. Again, no idea where I was, just head-down racing, managing effort at altitude and having FUN. Built into the run and made some more passes. Saw my time and figured I'd be somewhere in the middle. No biggie since I had no expectations

Cleaned up, checked the results and WHOA! Top-10 overall and my first AG win! Seriously stoked. Standing on the top step of the podium feels good. Moar please.

Trevor looked good for a self-proclaimed "fat dad" and picked up 2nd overall. HA!

Friday Aug 3, 2012 #


Late night at work. Just about to step out the door and a call comes in from HB about a missing person possibly in the water. Great...

Monkey suit back on, all the way up there to help with the search, helo on the way and...he's at home. Drunk people need to stay their drunk asses HOME. Feeling "out of sorts" all day.

Bailing on tomorrow's race: paid bills to make sure we had enough $ and it turns out we don't. :'(

Swimming 20:00 [1] 0.6 mi (33:19 / mi)

200 SKPS

200 STK

Last 200 swim on 3:23-very easy. Not stoked with the last 200, 1:41 pace is going to leave me chasing from behind tomorrow...again. No delusions of grandeur, but NEED a good race after a mediocre season. Struggling.

Thursday Aug 2, 2012 #

(rest day)

Taking a day. It's almost "go time" and I'm getting excited.

Wednesday Aug 1, 2012 #

Swimming 40:00 [3] 1.21 mi (33:04 / mi)

200 SKPS

200 pull 1:30 on 2:00
4 x 50 swim (:60) solid :45's
200 pull 1:30 on 2:00
4 x 50 on :60 :45-:43(!)
200 pull 2:45...wha?!?! had guys from the unofficial master's program in the lane next to me and I was trying to see how long I could keep up with them. Not bad.

200 STK

Surprised by the last set of 50's and by the last 200. Time to rest up a bit for the weekend.

Road Bike 49:31 [1] 13.2 mi (16.0 mph) +514ft

Very easy recovery spin on the coast.

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