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Training Log Archive: Zippy

In the 31 days ending Jan 31, 2015:

activity # timemileskm+ft
  MTB6 10:01:44 75.1(7.5/h) 120.86(12.1/h) 13644
  Run10 7:15:50 48.85(8:55) 78.62(5:33) 3857
  Road Bike3 2:17:04 23.0 37.01
  Swimming5 2:10:00 3.8(34:13) 6.11(21:16)
  VASA5 50:00
  Total20 22:34:38 150.75 242.61 17501

» now

Saturday Jan 31, 2015 #


Running about 60%. Cough is better and nose is manageable, but still very congested. Heading in to work today since I've burned a ton of sick time between paternity and now this.

Friday Jan 30, 2015 #


Still out of work and pretty wrecked. Cough is getting "meaty".

Thursday Jan 29, 2015 #


Barely slept, worse today - still home from work. K..k..k..kill me.

Wednesday Jan 28, 2015 #


More of the same. Wish I could sleep all day, but the tiny version of me keeps pooping and wanting to eat.

Tuesday Jan 27, 2015 #


Post nasal drip last night was salty and delicious. Throat less sore, but moving downward - crap. Rhinorrhea not so bad, but still have that pervasive run-down feeling.

Monday Jan 26, 2015 #


Sore throat worse. Adding 800mg ibuprofen q4h to knock it down so I can swallow. Very minor rhinorrhea.

Sunday Jan 25, 2015 #


Sore throat. Stopping, bombing with 100 mg zinc and 1000 mg vit c and crossing my fingers.

Saturday Jan 24, 2015 #


Off at 1100 last night, nephew's baptism at 0900. Um...yeah.

Friday Jan 23, 2015 #

Swimming 20:00 [3] 0.5 mi (39:59 / mi)

200 SKP
200 free/STK

Up alllllll night with the kid, rough couple nights/days with him. Slept in, barely enough time to jam to the pool and squeeze this in. People say it gets better around 6 mos to a YEAR. *sigh*

Thursday Jan 22, 2015 #

MTB 52:26 [3] 7.98 mi (9.1 mph) +1355ft

Moderately easy SS MTB ride on the local stuff. Legs a bit sore, lots of tired since the kid decided to hit a growth spurt. Blargh.

Run 27:51 [3] 3.46 mi (8:03 / mi) +167ft 7:42 / mi

Headed to work early and went for an easy run from the office, down the Calafia trail and then down the beach trail to the ped bridge near the pier. Back up the other beach trail. LTHR -20 is about 7:1x on the beach trail.

Wednesday Jan 21, 2015 #

Swimming 30:00 [3] 0.9 mi (33:21 / mi)

200 SKP
4 x 50 drill (25 drill, 25 swim)
10 x 50 free on 1:05 (45-47)
200 STK

Like ASS.

Tuesday Jan 20, 2015 #

MTB 2:55:27 [3] 20.21 mi (6.9 mph) +3862ft

On the SS. San Juan from Hot Springs trailhead to Blue Jay and back. Overcast and cool at the house, but bright and sunny out the Ortega and all day long. Legs BEAT from the elevation change yesterday, but I need some big weekends to get my fat ass in shape. Now if I could just get to the pool mid-week.

Monday Jan 19, 2015 #

Run 1:40:50 [3] 10.0 mi (10:05 / mi) +1268ft 9:00 / mi

Aerobic long run out at SCST. Dog Park - No Tools - The Way Up - Blue Chair and flipped it about 1/2 mile from Dog Park. Legs a bit tired, lots of up, down and twists makes it tough to run quickly. Still a solid deposit in the fitness bank.

PaHR: 7.08%
NGP: 9:40

Sunday Jan 18, 2015 #

MTB 1:04:47 [3] 9.65 mi (8.9 mph) +1598ft

Mod hard SS MTB ride on the local stuff.

VASA 10:00 [3]

To the pool to try and get a lane. Knew there was a Jr swim meet, but they supposedly had lap swim lanes available. Only the small pool (6 lanes) had 4 lanes as the w/u pool and 1 as the "rec swim" lane. Lap swim lane had 2 peeps in it that were not circle-swim worthy. Waited 20 mins for a lane and bailed. Poor planning by the pool mgmt as always.

Came home and jumped on the swim bench.

3 x 30, one band

Saturday Jan 17, 2015 #

VASA 10:00 [3]

Baby and Holly tag-teamed to completely shit-can my morning. This was all I could cram in. Meh.

Friday Jan 16, 2015 #

Run 30:32 [3] 3.81 mi (8:01 / mi) +167ft 7:42 / mi

Loops on the trail around the pool sports park. Warmed up x 10 mins, then 2 x 6 mins tempo with 2 min recoveries. Really warm out for January, legs feeling it a bit from yesterday.

Swimming 20:00 [3] 0.6 mi (33:19 / mi)

200 SKP
4 x 50 drill
2 x 100

Meh. Usually swim fairly well after running, but this went like ass. Need to swim more, but just no time with the grom.

Thursday Jan 15, 2015 #

Road Bike 45:47 [3] 11.83 mi (15.5 mph)

17-hour OT shift yesterday, daddy duty all night long. WRECKED right meow.

CTXC 45 min session.

Run 31:01 [3] 3.64 mi (8:31 / mi) +235ft 8:02 / mi

Headed in to work and got cleared to PT. Easy from HQ down the trails to Calafia and then out and back on the beach trail. Easy x 10 mins, then 10 x 20/40 strides and a cool down. Warm out, wobbly and tired legs from the trainer session.

Wednesday Jan 14, 2015 #


More OT, so less PT.

Tuesday Jan 13, 2015 #

MTB (SS) 2:25:37 [3] 16.7 mi (6.9 mph) +3200ft

SS ride up San Juan and around the loop. Started with a wind vest and wanted arm warmers up top (59 on the Garmin!). Recent rains = BRAAAP-tastic.

Monday Jan 12, 2015 #

Run (Tempo TT) 52:45 [3] 5.93 mi (8:54 / mi) +70ft 8:48 / mi

Tempo TT (LTHR -10) on the SJC bike path from Doho. Really tired after a 14-hour shift Saturday and a rough few days with the kid.

TT Data:

5k: 22:04 (7:05)
AHR: 179
PaHr: 3.63%

VASA 10:00 [3]

3 x 30, one band.

So hard to get to the pool these days with the kid and after going back to work full time. I'm really trying hard to get it done, but it might be a building year...again.

Sunday Jan 11, 2015 #


I should just go back to being a meat head. It's cheaper and takes less time.

Saturday Jan 10, 2015 #


Off at 11PM and back in at 0900. OT means no time for PT.

Friday Jan 9, 2015 #

Road Bike 45:00 [3]

CTXC 45 min trainer session. Baby ate my swim session, workout schedule is so messed up right now. What day is it?

Thursday Jan 8, 2015 #

VASA 10:00 [3]

3 x 30, one band

Run 30:47 [3] 3.58 mi (8:36 / mi) +473ft 7:39 / mi

From HQ, down to Calafia, down the beach trail to SC City side and back. Warmed up x 10, ran 2 x 6 mins tempo with 2 min recoveries.

Rough night up with the kid 3 times, Holly woke up and was noticeably "over it"; dumped the kid on me and went for an oil change...seriously? Had a bike trainer session planned, but that died a quick, ugly death. Moving on.


****I'll just drop this right here:****


Wednesday Jan 7, 2015 #

Swimming 30:00 [3] 0.9 mi (33:21 / mi)

200 SKP
4 x 50 drill/swim
10 x 50 on 1:05 (:45-:46)
200 STK

50's felt much better this time, times show much more consistency than last week. Shoulder actually OK after.

Tuesday Jan 6, 2015 #

MTB 1:46:06 [3] 12.11 mi (6.8 mph) +2260ft

On the SS uo San Juan to Cocktail and back. Had the short loop planned, but legs were a bit beat from yesterday and didn't want to leave Holly by herself with the grom for too long. Rolling solo with the little guy gets challenging fast.

Monday Jan 5, 2015 #

Run 1:17:28 [3] 9.08 mi (8:32 / mi) +106ft 8:26 / mi

Aerobic out and back on the SJC bike path. Baby at my morning and I let Holly hit the pool first so she'd get a lane. did this late in the day and felt flat, but SHOCKED at how even this wound up being, even with 4, :60 walk breaks.

PaHr: 2.12%
NGP: 8:26

Sunday Jan 4, 2015 #

Swimming 30:00 [3] 0.9 mi (33:21 / mi)

200 SKP
4 x 50 drill/swim (UNCO)
10 x 50 0n 1:05 (:45-:47)
200 STK/F

Easy. HOT pool left me panting and out of breath. Strength is awesome from VASA - first 800 was $$.

Saturday Jan 3, 2015 #

MTB 57:21 [3] 8.45 mi (8.8 mph) +1369ft

MTB ride on the SS at the local trails. Still wet in some spots, nice and cool out - arm warmers! Sat after New Years = dogs, dogs, DOGS!

Run 29:03 [3] 3.16 mi (9:12 / mi) +510ft 7:58 / mi

Mod run from the house, up the hill. Did 2 x 2:30 repeats on the dirt, descent for recovery. Think I found my hill for repeats.

Friday Jan 2, 2015 #

Run 27:56 [3] 3.08 mi (9:04 / mi) +460ft 7:57 / mi

Thought I got up with plenty of time to work out but wound up with baby duty, which ate my morning. Got something done, at least,

VASA 10:00 [3]

3 x 30, one band


Got to the garage to head in to work and all my coolant was on the ground. *sigh* Tow trucks, repair shops, $$$$$

Thursday Jan 1, 2015 #

Road Bike 46:17 [3] 11.17 mi (14.5 mph)

45 min CTXC you tube trainer session. Long night with the kiddo, rad headache when I woke up.

Run 27:37 [3] 3.11 mi (8:53 / mi) +401ft 7:55 / mi

Quick break after riding and then out the door for a run. Warmed up and then 10 x :20 strides, :40 recoveries.

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