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Training Log Archive: WillRigg

In the 31 days ending Jan 31, 2015:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Orienteering14 13:42:13 80.21(10:15) 129.08(6:22) 1631
  Running26 11:01:18 79.81(8:17) 128.44(5:09) 75
  Cross training4 2:27:26 37.06(3:59) 59.64(2:28)
  Strength & Conditioning1 10:00
  Total30 27:20:57 197.07 317.16 1706
averages - sleep:8.2

» now

Saturday Jan 31, 2015 #


Friday Jan 30, 2015 #



Sprint around campus ESOC are holding tomorrow, however my twin and my mate are up for my Birthday so may not do it.
Food: 2 teacakes Orange juice
Lunch: leftover curry
Dinner Chilli and rice
6 PM

Cross training 10:00 [2] 4.1 km (2:26 / km)

Easy spin after treadmill

Cross training 15:00 [3] 3.4 km (4:25 / km)

Ergo. Good fun. Some aisian lad got on the one next for me went nuts for like 10 seconds like he was having a spaz attack and then got off. Wish I could train as effective as him.

Running 11:00 [3] 2.65 km (4:09 / km)

Treadmill progression to test the toe, started on 4:45's and then went to 3:30's toe is feeling okay. There is still a dull ache but think I can probably run on it tomorrow.

Thursday Jan 29, 2015 #


Easy day cross training.
Beakfast: 4 patato cakes orange juice
Lunch:Chicken madara and rice
Dinner: SU Ball food
12 PM

Cross training 20:00 [2] 9.0 km (2:13 / km)

Easy spin legs quite tired after a fast spin yesterday!

Cross training 10:00 [3] 2.14 km (4:40 / km)

Erg. Feeling a bit stronger now, technique is a little better as well.

Strength & Conditioning 10:00 [3]

Wednesday Jan 28, 2015 #



May have another day of cross training, was planning some sprint training tomorrow but since the campus is covered in snow maybe not the best of ideas.

Breakfast: 2 potato cakes Orange J, cup of tea
Brunch: Checken/tomato/lettuce baguette
Lunch: Chicken tika/rice leftovers
Dinner: Chicken madara with rice(Pepper/onion)
Supper: two pancakes + milk
Drank water throughout the day and snacked on some biscuits.
7 PM

Cross training 27:26 [3] 17.2 km (1:36 / km)

Spinning. Tough on the legs.

Cross training 15:00 [2] 6.0 km (2:30 / km)

Easy spinning.

Cross training 10:00 [3] 2.1 km (4:46 / km)

Ergo. like rowing feel like its good for my core as well as arms.

Running 5:00 [3] 0.8 km (6:15 / km)

Shuffle to gym and back in the snow, can still feel toe a little.

Tuesday Jan 27, 2015 #


Breakfast: Muesli, cup of tea, orange juice.
Lunch: Leftover pasta(carbonara'Aribiata)
Post training:SiS recovery shake + pack of gluten free cookies.
Dinner: Chicken Tika Masla(Carrots/onions/peppers) drink:water
drank water throughout the day.

Toe aching quite a bit, will see how it is in the morning and will cross train if necessary.
3 PM

Running warm up/down 12:58 [2] 2.45 km (5:18 / km)

Running 27:21 [5] 6.43 km (4:15 / km)

2 x 1000m 2 x 800m 2 x 600m 2 x400m (EUOC session)

Did intervals on the road around research park in two directions, first direction there was a really horrible headwind and it was so hard to run fast, second direction was a lot better but there was a very small incline at the end hence why the second rep was faster.

3:27 3:23, 2:52 2:44, 2:05 2:00, 1:22, 1:20

Think I'll probably just do intervals on the walkway of leith next time. Recoveries gave myself 70s instead of 60 since this is the first interval session for a while.
4 PM

Running warm up/down 13:28 [2] 2.54 km (5:18 / km)

Cool down. Toe next to my big one has been aching today. Maybe I bruised it on Sunday.

Monday Jan 26, 2015 #

5 PM

Running 4:00 [2] 0.8 km (5:00 / km)

Jog to cse and back.
6 PM

Running 43:15 [2] 9.07 km (4:46 / km)

Easy recovery with HWUA. Legs felt better than I thought they would, stiffness from sprintervals gone.
8 PM


Breakfast: One slice of Toast with nutella drink:Orange juice+cup of tea
Brunch: Chicken/tomato/lettuce baguette
Lunch:Pasta carbonara(mushroom and panchetta) drink: water
Dinner:Pasta arabiata(pepper/onions/chorezo) drink:water

Starting recording what I eat and my sleep and my RHR next morning.

Sunday Jan 25, 2015 #

10 AM

Orienteering 1:00:00 [2] 7.5 km (8:00 / km) +300m 6:40 / km

SEDS training.
Really shitty green area,didn't like it and wasn't focused enough.

Running 6:30 [2] 1.0 km (6:30 / km)

Jog to start.
2 PM

Running 10:00 [2] 1.8 km (5:33 / km) +75m 4:36 / km

Jog to start, Nice little hill climb :)

Orienteering 55:00 [3] 8.0 km (6:53 / km) +250m 5:57 / km

SEDS training.
Much better this afternoon, better area,more focussed, planning well. Pretty fast to start with then slowed down a lot as legs began to feel all the training. Only one little miss, happy with this! knackered when finished. Guess at time and distance as garmin died at 40mins.

Saturday Jan 24, 2015 #

10 AM

Orienteering 1:00:00 [4] 10.0 km (6:00 / km)

4 x sprintervals (2km each)
Warm up and recoveries included.
First two good, last two really tired.(Sasha's Birthday catching up with me)
2 PM

Orienteering 30:00 [3] 6.0 km (5:00 / km)

2 x sprints at easier pace.

Calves really quite tight so taking it easier. Jog between starts included.

Friday Jan 23, 2015 #

Running 28:00 [2] 5.8 km (4:50 / km)

Easy before SEDS weekend which should be quite a high intensity. Felt dehydrated, need to start being more conscious of my hydration.

Cross training 10:00 [3] 2.2 km (4:33 / km)


Cross training 30:00 [2] 13.5 km (2:13 / km)


Thursday Jan 22, 2015 #

Running 55:00 [3] 12.0 km (4:35 / km)

DOMS, Too hot and dehydrated, didn't have much for breakfast so this all felt like a lot more effort than it should of done just to get some easy miles in! Was thinking about doing something a bit harder but after just recovering from a week out due to illness decided it wouldn't be sensible, listening to my body :)

Wednesday Jan 21, 2015 #

7 AM

Running 30:00 [2] 6.0 km (5:00 / km)

Easy run with Jack, very chilly morning. "Wouldn't be long before you got frostbit!"
3 PM

Running 37:52 [2] 8.12 km (4:40 / km)

Easy with Ben, very crunchy and frosty underfoot!

Tuesday Jan 20, 2015 #


Miles better today, should be right to crack on with training again tomorrow morning :)

Monday Jan 19, 2015 #


A lot improved.

Sunday Jan 18, 2015 #


Better. Not as bunged up anymore. Just tired, a sore throat and glands still a bit swollen, but they've gone down a bit.

Saturday Jan 17, 2015 #


Poor Night sleep again,Very Snotty and bunged up. Got more sleep from 8am onwards as between 2 and 8 I barely slept because my throat was so sore. Feeling a bit better now don't know if that's just all the paracetamol I've been taking or I'm actually improving.

Friday Jan 16, 2015 #


Seeing the doctor today.

Got some sort of flu and a viral thing in the back of my throat, only thing I can do is stay hydrated and take some paracetamol. Going to be a fun weekend. Was going to go to the SEDS w/e so pretty annoyed, £46 wasted on the train as well...

Wednesday Jan 14, 2015 #

Running 1:09:08 [2] 13.34 km (5:11 / km)

Long Hilly run
Was meant to run 90 min loop but cut it off as road shoes weren't coping very well in the snow as I got higher up. Legs tires from intervals.

Tuesday Jan 13, 2015 #

Running 19:53 [2] 4.35 km (4:34 / km)

Jog back to Uni. Lots of snow falling.

Running 27:10 [5] 5.96 km (4:33 / km)

4 x 1k (1:30 recovery)
2 x Steep Hills with steps(30 secs) (Jog back down recovery)
2 x 1 minute (1 min recovery)

3:18 3:21 3:22 3:27 Kilometer splits (Last one had to turn around because ran out of path)

Running 10:11 [2] 2.25 km (4:32 / km)

Run up to walkway of Leith.

Monday Jan 12, 2015 #

Running 43:20 [2] 9.12 km (4:45 / km)

Easy with Ben around campus loop.

Saturday Jan 10, 2015 #

Orienteering 50:00 [2] 7.0 km (7:09 / km)

Inshriach. Very snowy, legs pretty tired. Just took it easy.

Thursday Jan 8, 2015 #

Orienteering 58:49 [3] 7.04 km (8:21 / km) +250m 7:06 / km

Tricky little course, got stuck in a lot of green at number 4 pretty much impenetrable but i penetrated it.Although it was a lot quicker to go around. Small miss to 5 maybe better to take left routechoice as well. Big miss at 10 got distracted by the girls who were lower than me and came off my line which was the correct line relocated off 7 and then back to it. Better to the finish. Taking a bit more time to plan.

Very sandy and bushy area.

Running warm up/down 10:00 [1] 2.0 km (5:00 / km)

Running warm up/down 6:45 [1] 1.25 km (5:24 / km)

Orienteering 1:24:50 [3] 13.86 km (6:07 / km) +70m 5:58 / km

Long distance Training(Without Paths)
Great session to finish the week, felt like my orienteering was really good on some legs!A few shitty legs still but not so many. Progress, surprised the legs felt so good after a really heavy week.

Wednesday Jan 7, 2015 #

Orienteering 22:49 [4] 4.7 km (4:51 / km) +100m 4:23 / km

Spanish sprint; lots of alleyways etc.
Happy with this. Major time loss was not my fault, alleyway was closed and wall which should of been mapped as light grey not a forest wall so went all the way around on two routes.

Running warm up/down 19:13 [1] 2.49 km (7:43 / km)

Orienteering 23:29 [3] 4.33 km (5:25 / km)

Got chased by an angry dog.

Running warm up/down 22:58 [1] 3.0 km (7:39 / km)

Tuesday Jan 6, 2015 #

Orienteering 1:20:00 [3] 12.0 km (6:40 / km) +200m 6:09 / km

Long Training

Running warm up/down 10:00 [1] 1.5 km (6:40 / km)


Monday Jan 5, 2015 #

10 AM

Running warm up/down 15:01 [1] 2.98 km (5:02 / km)

Orienteering 54:27 [4] 9.4 km (5:48 / km) +141m 5:23 / km

1st Leg Mass start training

Generally good to start with, as the course went on and my map started to disintegrate more, my orienteering got more scrappy and I made a big mistake towards the end. Relocated better than I normally do though, instead of running in circles. Orienteering felt a little rushed at times and a few improper plans led to a few misses when I was just ahead of the pack.

came in 4th, 3 mins after Nixon and Sasha. Me and Chris went to the wrong control so disqualified ourselves. Good to put my technique under pressure, will be good to analyse later.
11 AM

Running 6:00 [1] 1.0 km (6:00 / km)

4 PM

Running 7:30 [1] 1.6 km (4:41 / km)

Orienteering 50:00 [3] 8.0 km (6:15 / km) +48m 6:04 / km

Contour only without Compass.

Went pretty good, not running hard just focusing on contour detail as goes the name of the course. Things got interesting when there was a leg through a very vague area to control no.8 but managed to nail it. Two mistakes one not too bothered about, went straight into the control circle but where the pit was there was loads of bushes and I end up circling around until I found it. 17 was with Cat and made a maybe two minute mistake should just of used the tops of the hill to attack, maybe a little safer.

Sunday Jan 4, 2015 #

10 AM

Running warm up/down 13:28 [1] 2.01 km (6:42 / km)

Orienteering 41:03 [3] 6.53 km (6:17 / km) +177m 5:32 / km

Forest sprints: first two loops.
Tried to focus on compass but they was so much unmarked bush on the map I got knocked off line a lot and was pretty scrappy on some of the controls. Navigating was good when I could see the contour shapes.

Orienteering 11:30 [3] 2.05 km (5:37 / km)

Last forest sprint.
A lot better,had more detail in plan because this part of the map had more contours on. Felt really fast on a few of the legs. Two of the controls didn't have tapes on but I was certain I was there so kept on going; boys said the same when they got back.

Running warm up/down 10:00 [1] 1.67 km (5:59 / km)

4 PM

Running warm up/down 7:02 [1] 1.01 km (6:58 / km)

Orienteering 37:54 [3] 5.95 km (6:22 / km)

O intervals which we ran as just normal orienteering loops.

A lot better this afternoon, focused on adding good detail to my plan for legs. Shadowed by Nixon on last loop, only real miss was on the last control when caught up Charlotte and Chris.

Running warm up/down 20:00 [2] 2.8 km (7:09 / km)

Warm up and running between loops.

Saturday Jan 3, 2015 #

Orienteering 59:03 [3] 9.58 km (6:10 / km)

Got a bit lost.

Not dealing with the vague contours very well, not picturing them well at all. After a humongous mistake at 7 got a bit demotivated and wasn't really racing anymore.

Running warm up/down 8:00 [1] 1.15 km (6:57 / km)

Running warm up/down 15:00 [3] 3.0 km (5:00 / km)

Warm up.
4 PM

Orienteering 43:19 [3] 7.14 km (6:04 / km) +95m 5:41 / km

Reran the course: First half easy pace second more cruise pace in control flowing well. Learnt a lot. Took in more detail, used my compass better. Thumbing the map really helped me keep contact.Think this morning I just forgot how to orienteer on areas like this.

Running warm up/down 4:00 [2] 0.8 km (5:00 / km)

Friday Jan 2, 2015 #

Running 32:15 [2] 5.7 km (5:39 / km)

Easy run to loosen up after a long journey. To the lighthouse and back, really beautiful views.

Thursday Jan 1, 2015 #

(rest day)

Resting for Spain.

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