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Training Log Archive: syd

In the 7 days ending Dec 3, 2017:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Orienteering3 2:19:20 10.24(13:37) 16.47(8:27) 556
  Bike - Mountain 1 1:15:03 16.31(13.0/h) 26.25(21.0/h) 446
  Run1 1:13:42 6.67(11:03) 10.73(6:52) 293
  Strength1 45:00
  Total6 5:33:05 33.22 53.46 1295

» now

Sunday Dec 3, 2017 #

9 AM

Orienteering race 54:07 [5] 3.68 mi (14:42 / mi) +124m 13:19 / mi
shoes: Salomon Speed Cross 4

OINK Day 3 Middle
Red (4.5 km)

The course started off in a section of very thick woods. I cut through the woods to 1, it probably would have been faster to go around. Error on 2. I hit the erosion gully I wanted and followed it north, but it was really shallow and seemed to peter out. I thought I had gone too far, so I turned around and went S a ways. Saw the field, so went out to confirm that I was on the right spur. I was. Followed the gully back up and found the flag past where I had stopped the first time, behind a pile of logs. Another error on 3. I hit the gully running N-S and thought I just had to go to the top to find the branch I wanted. But the circle was covering up the section of gully that continued past the branch I wanted. I was pretty confused for a bit until I finally saw the other gully on the map. After that I just took it slow through the rest of the green. The rest of the course went well, it was all in open areas/white woods, so very fast. Weather was great again!

Saturday Dec 2, 2017 #

10 AM

Orienteering race 46:22 [5] 3.35 mi (13:50 / mi) +278m 11:00 / mi
shoes: Salomon Speed Cross 4

OINK Day 2 Middle
Red (4.4 km)

The terrain today was more technical than yesterday and I really enjoyed the course. My navigation was pretty clean. I think it was mainly because I was moving slower. The thick-ish woods and rocky areas made it difficult for me to move quickly while staying in contact with the map. Exited the wrong way from 4. On the way to 9 I walked up onto a big pile of logs/sticks/leaves while looking at the map and had to backtrack to get off. Took the sidehill to 15, which I wasn't sure was the best route, but talking to Igor after it was faster than the stream. Weather was beautiful again!

Friday Dec 1, 2017 #

2 PM

Orienteering race 38:51 [5] 3.21 mi (12:07 / mi) +154m 10:33 / mi
shoes: Salomon Speed Cross 4

OINK Day 1 Middle
Red (4.0 km)

I like middles. The navigation wasn't that difficult, but I was pushing the pace so I still had some bobbles. Hesitation on 6. It was farther down than I was expecting. And then on 9 and 10 I drifted too far down the hill. Quick corrections, but added some unnecessary climb/distance. Tripped on something running down the hill after 10, caught myself before face planting into a log, but ended up with a rather painful gash on my hand. At least it was my hand and not my face. Fun course and beautiful weather!

Wednesday Nov 29, 2017 #

2 PM

Bike - Mountain 1:15:03 [3] 16.31 mi (13.0 mph) +446m
shoes: Trek Superfly

Easy ride on the Montour trail.

Tuesday Nov 28, 2017 #

2 PM

Run 1:13:42 [3] 6.67 mi (11:03 / mi) +293m 9:43 / mi
shoes: Salomon Speed Cross 4

65 and sunny! Full white loop at South Park. Took along a map of the WOC 2016 long course and planned routes.

Monday Nov 27, 2017 #

7 PM

Strength 45:00 [3]

A little bit of everything.

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