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Discussion: WOW

in: Sly Chimera; Sly Chimera > 2015-04-30

May 1, 2015 4:26 PM # 
Linear Ice:
looks like a great run, if only you could flatten out the hills a bit
May 2, 2015 1:43 AM # 
Sly Chimera:
This is Briones Regional, near Martinez, CA. It's an amazing park, but really it's just too hilly for me. That is to say, there are some bits so hilly I was playing a mental game to see whether I could get up the slope without using my hands. Then at the top you see Mount impressive (and inspiring) sight. Then the real problem: the downs are so steep I am afraid to run them. Back when I was having such problems with bursitis in my left knee, it was definitely downhills that triggered it. So you are on the money: if only you could flatten outh the hills a bit!
May 2, 2015 11:51 PM # 
Linear Ice:
Look Ma no hands!! Too steep for me.

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