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Training Log Archive: Leanimal

In the 7 days ending Apr 7, 2011:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Road Riding2 5:35:00
  Road Running3 2:43:00
  Yoga2 2:05:00
  Total5 10:23:00

» now

Thursday Apr 7, 2011 #

Road Running 35:00 [2]

Short easy run to try to loosen the hammers up. I hope they aren't a problem this weekend.

Wednesday Apr 6, 2011 #

Road Riding 2:35:00 [3]

Out in the wind on the sideroads around Orillia. I decided to go on an old railbed on the way home and was thankful for the 29ers since it was a bumpy ride on some pretty large rocks. When I had had enough and saw the other railtrail a mere 100m away I decided to ride through a semi frozen, shallow pond to it. Had to step down into the frigid water, like my feet weren't frozen enough! I was starting to panic knowing that I had to get back to feed Weeanimal only to have my tires sink into the very mushy railtrail. Nothing like thinking you are going to fly along the flat ground only to feel like you are riding in tar. I made it just in time for her to wake up from her nap and I heard her crying as I approached the house, PHEW!
Good ride but the hammers are tight again from trying some new poses in yoga last night.

Tuesday Apr 5, 2011 #

Road Running 1:10:00 [4]

Fell asleep last night before getting out for a run so had to deal with colder temps today and a nasty wind. Weeanimal and I headed out in the morning for some intervals on the trail. Snow/sleet, wind, cold temps, what a lovely spring day!
She actually stayed awake for half of it.
Legs toast by the end.

Yoga 1:05:00 [1]

Hot yoga in Orillia. Another great class at this studio. I tried some arm balance poses that I had not yet attempted and I wasn't too bad at them. Great hip stretching too.

Saturday Apr 2, 2011 #

Road Riding 3:00:00 [3]

Awesome day out with Phatty, Coach LD and Goose. Windy day but nice and sunny. Legs died at the end - hammers tight from yoga yesterday.

Followed this up with Weeanimals first swim, with Coach LD and the Tavman, while Phatty watched. She is a natural, kicking and splashing by the end. Not so much as a wimper and she smiled and giggled the whole ride home.

Friday Apr 1, 2011 #

Yoga 1:00:00 [1]

Mark Laham power.

Road Running 58:00 [3]

Out with Weeanimal, Goose and the Tavman for a double stroller run. Great to have company but I had it much easier as Weeanimal is a tad bit lighter than the Tavman. Great to be able to stretch outside while waiting for Weeanimal to wake up from her nap. She is still sleeping though so I had to bring her inside in the Chariot.

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