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Training Log Archive: Atropos

In the 1 days ending Dec 2, 2008:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Core Strength1 1:00:00
  Swimming1 1:00:00 0.93(1:04:22) 1.5(40:00)
  Total1 2:00:00 0.93 1.5
  [1-5]1 1:00:00

» now

Tuesday Dec 2, 2008 #

Core Strength 1:00:00 [0]

Went to the gym at the VAC while waiting for Alison to finish work and meet me for a swim. I fumbled around on the machines and weights for a few minutes but I was the only female in the room and felt a bit uncomfortable amongst so much testosterone. I did some mat work and then did tons of squats and jumps on various wobble boards.

Swimming 1:00:00 [1] 1.5 km (40:00 / km)

Swimming at VAC with Alison. The lanes were set up the short way and it was pretty full. Keeping track of the lengths was difficult and I would have lost count if Alison hadn't been there to verify my totals. Because there were so many people, I never really got a good flow and did lots of kickboarding rather than full on swimming.
14.2 (water)


I was considering logging my walk home from the pool but I decided to follow the sage words once imparted to me by master trainer Patrick "if you're not in workout clothes, it's not training." Patrick may actually have said something more along the lines of "if you change into work out clothes to do it, it's training" ( which seems a bit out of character but whatever). Regardless, I changed into my work clothes and shoes after swimming and strolled home singing Christmas carols. I guess that doesn't sound much like training at all but it was a nice walk!

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