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Training Log Archive: AliC

In the 1 days ending Jul 12, 2014:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Orienteering1 57:00
  Running1 5:00
  Total1 1:02:00

» now

Saturday Jul 12, 2014 #

Orienteering 7:00 [1]

Running 5:00 [1]

Orienteering 50:00 [4]

WOC Relay - Campomulo

Running final leg, so I got to spectate Sam through the run-through, but eep! She didn't come for awhile. Just as my brain was starting to worry if she badly sprained her ankle or something, she came through, running strong, focused on her map. Okidoke, then, game on! (She had a tough time particularly on one control in a tricky section and then a bit more on the next one.)

Sam gained a bunch of places on the second half of the course, and then Alex had probably one of the best runs of a person on that course for the whole day - mistakes were being made left and right out there. She returned with Russia nearly at the same time, Spain and Germany 30-45s ahead and hm, one other team I now forgot.

My goal was just to run clean and under control and only push the pace when my plan was 100% secure. This worked through the first loop, with just a small mistake due to thinking my control was on a rock pile instead of the pit behind it. I lost time to both Germany and Russia (but Russian was long world champ, so that was kind of expected) on the first loop. Heading to the second, I could see Canada up ahead on the hill, and passed her to 9 after a pause in an earlier, but not really evident from the contours reentrant (will have to look at this again when I get a map out). Then I was pretty alone for an uphill hike, when all of the sudden, I saw Germany again - woo! Still, didn't lose my head, took my own route and lost sight of her again. Then she reappeared at the beginning of the big decent leg. Ok off!!

But then I hit a road. Ok, cool, here's a road on the map - but why no cliffs on the upper side that I just fell down? Confused, let's run North until things make sense, I can figure it out at the bend. After a bit, it dawns, I'm on the *upper* road, not the *lower* trail. Whoopsie! Attempt to recover, but when I got down to the trail finally, it was hard to pick out what was actually trail in the open, and I ended up all the way at the road in the valley, before attacking the control from the paved road fork. About a 3.30 min error, so frustrating to have right at the end after a run I'd otherwise have been quite proud of! Gr!

Still, as a team, we did it. Remained close enough to Germany and ahead of Spain so not relegated to just having one spot, phew!

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