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Training Log Archive: JustinMartin

In the 31 days ending Oct 31, 2016:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Run-Hike5 32:14:35 61.29(31:34) 98.64(19:37) 4707
  Easy Run16 14:50:30 103.04(8:39) 165.83(5:22) 3527
  Moderate Run8 14:25:02 83.27(10:23) 134.01(6:27) 3866
  Specific Endurance2 5:19:44 23.5(13:36) 37.82(8:27) 1786
  Warm up1 25:00 2.8(8:56) 4.51(5:33) 3
  Threshold run1 20:02 3.61(5:33) 5.81(3:27) 28
  Parkrun1 17:10 3.11(5:31) 5.01(3:26) 12
  Total33 67:52:03 280.62(14:31) 451.61(9:01) 13929

» now

Monday Oct 31, 2016 #

6 PM

Easy Run 58:15 [2] 7.43 mi (7:50 / mi) +150m 7:23 / mi

Easy run, felt great! Legs felt fresh and I wanted to run hard - but didn't. Very enjoyable over an undulating road route. Inc Technical exercises.

Sunday Oct 30, 2016 #

Moderate Run 1:43:44 [3] 14.04 mi (7:23 / mi) +125m 7:11 / mi

Moderate run to/from points at Dublin marathon. Some sections a bit slower, through traffic/junctions etc then some good long stretches of good running, felt good

Saturday Oct 29, 2016 #

8 AM

Warm up 25:00 [2] 2.8 mi (8:56 / mi) +3m 8:54 / mi

Warm up before park run, started easy then increased pace gradually. Feeling tired, unsettled sleep and thighs a bit tired. Feeling positive mentally. Added some technical exercises to warm up
9 AM

Parkrun race 17:10 [5] 3.11 mi (5:31 / mi) +12m 5:27 / mi

3 loop course at Belfast Victoria Parkrun. Good competition. I went out at 5.40 pace with intention of getting faster. I hung on the back of a faster group at what seemed like comfortable pace, went through 1 mile in 5.35. At the start of mile 2 the chaps picked up the pace to around 5.20-5.25, I was feeling the tired thighs and starting to work too hard, I dropped off to around 5.30-5.35 pace. I concentrated on form and this helped keep the pace up and took focus off fatigue. Mile 2 was Around 5.38. Mile 3 I worked as hard as I could, but was obstructed a little by those I was lapping. Mile 3 was 5.34, finishing time 17:10 and 6th place. I didn't have a barcode with me, so showing as unknown on results. I wanted to run quicker, but I'm happy with the effort given how my legs felt. I've been on my feet a lot over the last 10 days but it will be good to focus on my own training for a while now.
10 AM

Easy Run warm up/down 16:50 [2] 2.0 mi (8:25 / mi) +5m 8:21 / mi

Busted when I finished parkrun but recovered quite quickly then jogged this at a very leisurely pace.

Friday Oct 28, 2016 #

3 PM

Easy Run 1:03:05 [3] ** 7.5 mi (8:25 / mi) +251m 7:37 / mi

Easy run through Carnfunnock trails with speed variation on flatter smoother sections. I had walked 5k before this and then helped marshal a race in the evening afterwards.

Thursday Oct 27, 2016 #

7 PM

Moderate Run 1:17:04 [3] 10.77 mi (7:09 / mi) +88m 6:59 / mi

Undulating road run with one longer hill. Felt fine and slowed the pace a few times on hills just to manage the effort. Time seemed to pass quickly, enjoyable, different route.

Wednesday Oct 26, 2016 #

6 PM

Easy Run hills (Hill Reps) 1:08:48 [4] 7.95 mi (8:39 / mi) +290m 7:46 / mi

Easy head torch run in Carnfunnock before 6x 30secs and 4x 1 min reps. Downhill loop recoveries. Technique felt good, I felt relaxed and got to the same spot for each rep. Easy recovery.

Tuesday Oct 25, 2016 #

5 PM

Moderate Run 1:00:02 [4] 8.2 mi (7:19 / mi) +64m 7:09 / mi

Run along coast road, a bit lethargic to start, but once I got going it felt OK. Maybe a bit tired as I seemed to be fighting to hold a pace until I realise it's about the effort! Bit slower than I'd like but previous day's probably took there toll!

Monday Oct 24, 2016 #

10 AM

Specific Endurance 3:44:34 [2] **** 15.4 mi (14:35 / mi) +933m 12:16 / mi

Mountain trail run, guiding a few people we had over for the race. Leisurely pace, felt easy. Feeling refreshed after the previous weeks time on feet.

Sunday Oct 23, 2016 #

5 AM

Specific Endurance 1:35:10 [3] *** 8.1 mi (11:45 / mi) +853m 8:51 / mi

Mountain trail run, gradual uphill initially, then steep at the end. Technical downhill to forest path. Legs tired but preferred to get into the hills than the busy/dangerous road along the coast at Newcastle.

Saturday Oct 22, 2016 #

6 AM

Run-Hike long 12:00:00 [3] **** 17.0 mi (42:21 / mi) +16m 42:14 / mi

Run hike on race route on race day. I didn't record this as I needed to use other features on my watch, but this is a reasonable guess on the states of my activities. Nearer the end, I was feeling very tired with extremely heavy legs. Caring a heavy ruc sac.

Friday Oct 21, 2016 #

8 AM

Run-Hike 6:14:37 [3] **** 13.89 mi (26:58 / mi) +1524m 20:07 / mi

Covering some of the race route to insure markings are in place. Including ascent of Slieve donard.
6 PM

Run-Hike 1:30:00 [3] 5.5 mi (16:22 / mi) +304m 13:58 / mi

Not recorded on watch but covered the Friday night GTR course and official jog back route, whilst helping at the finish of the uphill only race.

Thursday Oct 20, 2016 #

9 AM

Run-Hike 6:40:33 [3] **** 13.74 mi (29:09 / mi) +1400m 22:09 / mi

Newcastle, glen river path climb, brandy pad, half of Bearnagh then along wall and back to Newcastle - course marking.

Wednesday Oct 19, 2016 #

9 AM

Run-Hike 5:49:25 [3] **** 11.16 mi (31:19 / mi) +1463m 22:15 / mi

Course marking, Ott track to nearly Hares gap and back via Mourne way. Felt OK on the climbs, with a few uphill reps to check markings.

Tuesday Oct 18, 2016 #

8 PM

Easy Run 1:02:04 [4] 8.01 mi (7:45 / mi) +180m 7:15 / mi

Exactly 20 mins jog downhill to start, 6x hill reps then jog back up home. Felt smooth and consistent on uphill. Happy with this session

Monday Oct 17, 2016 #

7 PM

Easy Run 51:00 [2] 6.6 mi (7:44 / mi) +45m 7:34 / mi

Easy run along coast line, felt easy. Stayed relaxed

Sunday Oct 16, 2016 #

8 AM

Easy Run 1:55:14 [3] 9.5 mi (12:08 / mi) +1105m 8:55 / mi

Jog from Newcastle to Donard Commedagh Col, back, across Mourne Way and return journey to Hares gap. Initially felt tired on climbs but got stronger. Uphill is improving in my opinion

Saturday Oct 15, 2016 #

6 PM

Easy Run 20:34 [2] 2.64 mi (7:47 / mi) +20m 7:37 / mi

Warm up run to 20 min threshold session start. Mostly downhill from home to town park.

Threshold run 20:02 [5] 3.61 mi (5:33 / mi) +28m 5:25 / mi

First 3 miles were done on a 350 metre Tarmac loop in the town park. It's quite flat and conditions were calm. Then moved out onto the road when some dog walkers and their out of control animals joined me! I was out of breath early on, about 3-4 mins in but it didn't get too much worse. I was able to speak a few words, such as 'thank you very much, how are you'. Legs felt and body felt good. When I finished I was tired, but again not busted, as I could have talked in short sentences. Mile times were 5.37 - 5.29 - 5.26 then 3.29 for the last 1k. Through 5k in roughly 16:50. I reckon I could have held this pace until 5 miles or so, maybe a bit longer with company or something to focus on. This went better than I thought.
7 PM

Easy Run warm up/down 24:31 [2] 2.91 mi (8:26 / mi) +111m 7:32 / mi

Jog home after session, mostly uphill, including some steep ones. Felt fine after working hard.

Friday Oct 14, 2016 #

(rest day)

Re-scheduled rest day

Thursday Oct 13, 2016 #

6 PM

Easy Run 1:02:50 [3] 7.87 mi (7:59 / mi) +190m 7:26 / mi

Easy run with club, grass and road. A few strides to see how legs are.. Feeling good.

Wednesday Oct 12, 2016 #

9 PM

Easy Run 1:01:13 [3] 7.89 mi (7:46 / mi) +178m 7:15 / mi

Easy road run with speed variations. After 24 mins I started 6x 30 secs, with 2-3 mins easy running between each. Undulating route. I felt good, easy pace felt relaxed and faster felt natural/smooth. The threshold run at the weekend will be interesting, as I'm eager to see how long I can hold the pace for!

Tuesday Oct 11, 2016 #

5 PM

Moderate Run 1:02:03 [4] 8.26 mi (7:31 / mi) +284m 6:47 / mi

This run felt fantastic. Running felt smooth and I was happy working on the harder side of moderate. Route mainly on trail, felt strong and definitely feeling fitter.

Monday Oct 10, 2016 #

8 PM

Easy Run 50:57 [2] 6.02 mi (8:28 / mi) +125m 7:57 / mi

Working one day ahead of schedule this week, as I'll miss a day later in the week due to child care. Barely looked at my watch during this one, tried to go by feel. Did feel tired around half way, but perked up as I got near the end.

Sunday Oct 9, 2016 #

5 PM

Easy Run (w/ 60sec Hill reps) 58:35 [4] 7.07 mi (8:17 / mi) +207m 7:36 / mi

Jog mainly downhill to town centre, to a hill (road) of about 10% gradient and long enough for 60 secs. Felt relaxed during warm up, did the first two reps on a hill that was maybe too steep, decided to change to the one beside it and did four. It felt good. Ran at a good pace but stayed relaxed and I was out of breath at the end of each. Last 10-15 secs were particularly tough. Jogged back up home.

Saturday Oct 8, 2016 #

11 AM

Moderate Run 1:21:55 [4] 11.8 mi (6:57 / mi) +75m 6:48 / mi

Working 3pm-11pm today and 7am-7pm tomorrow, so I figured this run was better suited today. Felt good, pace was faster than the 7.15 but it felt moderate, although closer to the end I did feel it starting to get harder. Pace was pretty even throughout, apart from a hilly section and road crossings. Felt like a good workout.

Friday Oct 7, 2016 #

5 PM

Easy Run 1:01:37 [3] 6.57 mi (9:23 / mi) +300m 8:13 / mi

Easy run in Forest Park, made sure effort was low. I added in the 6x Hill Sprints that should have been done the night before (but was helping at club and had meeting afterwards, and an hour and 15 mins on the phone with Sky before it!!). It felt good, worked on Technique and increased the speed through each rep.

Thursday Oct 6, 2016 #

7 PM

Easy Run 52:18 [1] 5.38 mi (9:43 / mi) +70m 9:21 / mi

Very easy run with club (slower group). Felt very slow, but it was definitely recovery!

Wednesday Oct 5, 2016 #

5 PM

Moderate Run 1:00:08 [3] 8.43 mi (7:08 / mi) +124m 6:49 / mi

Moderate road run, predominantly flat coastal route. First 2-3 miles were around 7 minute pace with tail wind. Once I turned their was a strong head wind, I was 'fighting' against the wind to maintain pace but started to work too hard, so adopted the moderate feeling/pace and relaxed. Last mile or so was quicker, calm and slightly down hill.

Tuesday Oct 4, 2016 #

5 PM

Easy Run 1:02:39 [3] 7.7 mi (8:08 / mi) +300m 7:15 / mi

Easy run with speed variations. Really enjoyed tonight's run. Easy pace felt easy and when I sped up I felt good. Faster pace seemed natural, worked on technique throughout. Happy with this.

Monday Oct 3, 2016 #

12 AM

(rest day)

Scheduled rest day

Sunday Oct 2, 2016 #

9 AM

Moderate Run 4:06:56 [3] ***** 11.07 mi (22:18 / mi) +1806m 14:48 / mi

Recce day two. Time includes a bit of standing about waiting on others. Worked a bit harder early on, but when group split I stayed at the back to guide the weaker runners who weren't so familiar with the course. Body felt a little tired but physically, on the hills I felt quite good.

Saturday Oct 1, 2016 #

9 AM

Moderate Run 2:53:10 [3] **** 10.7 mi (16:11 / mi) +1300m 11:45 / mi

covered first half of Garmin Mourne Skyline MTR course. Worked hard at times, getting through the group on this recce day. Enjoyed being back in the hills, though the steep stuff was hard going.

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