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Other (Lower Leg)

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Average recovery time: 100 days

Recorded Instances

undy-3 daysdetails
manel0 daysdetails
IKRP0 daysdetails
HansE1 daysHar hatt lignende reaksjoner i kroppen ved uvante fysiske øvelser / arbeide. Sjøl om smertene var mest framtredende fra kneet til ankelen mener jeg at årsaken ligger i hofte-/setepartiet.details
nightfox1 daysRest. Should start with "slower" track-training maybe to avoid so much newbie-pain.details
John O1 daysCaused by temporary lack of oxygen. Could be prevented by making sure I breathe well whilst swimming. Ibuprofen gel helped to relieve pain on the day of injury.details
cissi1 daysdetails
allisonm1 daysSeems to have worked itself out. Legs are sore from the gym, though.details
Warrior271 daysSoaked my legs in warm water and it seemed to help.details
JL1 daysDet var nog bara kramp i muskeln.details
JL1 daysIngen känning överhuvudtaget dagen efter. Konstigt.details
DWildfogel1 daysBy the next morning, the calf was only mildly sore. Heating pad repeatedly yesterday really helped. Was able to go for a hike by the afternoon. Also drank lots of Gookinaid yesterday and today.details
Fondeur1 daysHuiles essentielles details
Homey2 daysrest day.details
Malla2 daysdetails
dariusz2 daysdetails
dariusz2 daysdetails
louiscoad2 daysdetails
Oleg2 daysdetails
TimM2 daysdetails
natanmaj12 daysdetails
dansell2 daysdetails
Niels-Peter3 daysdetails
Lieke3 daysrustdetails
Garrison3 daysibuprofen and aspirin for a couple daysdetails
guyguy3 days2-3 jours de reposdetails
Nadim3 daysI iced at the meet site after this ocurred--unusual for me. A little rest and stretching. details
Oleg3 daysdetails
HenrikGj3 daysdetails
aireyb3 daysjust resteddetails
JuhaM3 daysdetails
Colin B3 daysdetails
alimpkon3 daysdetails
Torzi3 daysdetails
jmnipen4 daysdetails
Shminty4 daysMaybe ran too much in a short space of time, as I don't remember straining it and i just woke up one morning with it.details
Mal4 daysdetails
xcsnowskier144 daysIt was probably just a strain of the Tibialis anterior muscle. I think that it was caused from too much ski walking too soon. I had not done any this year so far and to put it all on at once, I think that it just strained the muscle. I think that I will need to do ski walking at least a little bit each week to keep the muscle strong.details
runforest4 daysran on water shoesdetails
Månsen4 daysdetails
cmorse4 daysseems to be gone, R heel kind of tight before/after 5k, perhaps just a bit more stretching in order. Though I have been running an hour or so before recent races, so its not like I'm running cold...details
alirobertson4 daysThink I got bitten, maybe need to pull socks up on rougher areas like Tyrebagger.details
EJ Teb4 daysRest and cyclingdetails
Cruachan4 daysdetails
jamesnchlsn4 daysstretching has eased up and back to normal, gently though. left leg is being troublesome from time to time, best let it bedetails
Eveborn4 daysVila hjälptedetails
justus4 daysTime, it just went awaydetails
Leves4 daysdetails
OMike4 daysSous antibiotique et aspirine Tests sanguins semblent OK Radio et echo doppler le 19/09details
Ruhis4 daysdetails
jcolleran4 daysdetails
han_solo4 daysManaged to roll it out once it got less soredetails
Fidelius Cain4 daysNeue Laufschuhe (deutlich weniger Federung als die Vorherigen)details
theshadow5 daysa few days of not running has done it a world of good. details
ADTongue5 daysIt was caused by insect bite and it was recommended to wear full leg cover next time. Advice not taken as it is personal preference to wear shorts!details
Julia (old log)5 daysdetails
Philipp5 daysdetails
AG5 daysdetails
blairtrewin5 daysAppears to have been caused by stumble on step, possibly a deep muscle strain or bruise causing swelling in awkward spot. Peaked about 48 hours after incident. Resolved of own accord with no issues beyond about 4 days. details
JonasB5 daysLockings in my back.details
Santinia5 daysdetails
Markus5 daysIndoTop - ratiopharm spray (2-3mal/Tag)details
Nick5 daysgood thing i went for stitches.. fast and easydetails
Colin B5 daysdetails
Psuba5 dayspharmacy prescribed creamdetails
emmaS5 daysWalking on crutches made this recover faster! I think because I was aggravating it less. Went to a Dr appointment to ask about if I need surgery details
mvuk5 daysdetails
Salinda5 daysdetails
Niels-Peter6 daysdetails
Niels-Peter6 daysdetails
putte6 daysSköt om såren, när det väl har blivit utslag så tvätta med tvål och vatten. Torka av med en annan handduk. details
dariusz6 daysDas Problem ist nicht weg, aber mit schonen geht es.details
Fatty_Goffe6 daysdetails
Ari-o6 daysDon't kick stuff in to your leg.details
ebuckley6 days12/9 - going with the badly bruised tendon diagnosis. No longer impacting activity.details
Snell6 daysdetails
Pete6 daysdetails
lchavasse6 daysdetails
Collo6 daysdetails
Ursa7 daysdetails
Morten7 daysdetails
clarky7 daysdetails
BP7 daysdetails
blairtrewin7 daysGradually eased after a few days.details
troll feet7 daysRest. To try to pick feet up a bit more though cause was broken paving slabdetails
Brooner7 daysdetails
MR7 daysdetails
julianaslund7 daysAtt vila och inte utsätta vaden för några belastningar hjälpte. Försvann som över en natt, vilket var lite skumt, men skönt.details
jmnipen8 daysdetails
Eliot8 daysdetails
Marius8 daysNa siaip 100 % dar neisgijau. Fastumas padeda.details
JonasB8 daysdetails
Magic8 daysdetails
bishop228 daysDon't be stupid with a new activity at a poor time.details
Danolou8 daysStill tender on the run today but no pain. Ice, rest and Ibuprofendetails
GrrrBear8 dayscleared up after a few days.details
tbl8 daysOrsak: Mycket löpning på asfalt? Återhämtning: Mycket massage!details
loobey8 daysdetails
mary8 daysKicked off by tight calf/Achilles from overcompensating for ankle, then new pair of shoes aggravated the heel bone - will try the shoes one more time before binning them off. Achilles completely locked at beginning and accupuncture and massage seemed to helpdetails
antoniomariani8 daysdetails
Nick8 dayswho knows? stretch ? details
Timolaurus8 daysRest, massage and manual therapy, which included needle therapy, seemed to solve the issue. details
egidijus9 daysdetails
Trailrat9 daysTime off (few days) and rolling out the calves, & icingdetails
austrianmike9 daysRestdetails
Torzi9 daysdetails
Eliot10 daysdetails
forbesbc10 daysneosporindetails
jeffw10 daysGave it a rest.details
Spongey10 daysdetails
Daniele10 daysPausedetails
Carl00610 daysdetails
vyc10 daysdetails
duncanarcher10 daysNeeded two weeks of antibiotics. Not sure what the real cause is, maybe I got unlucky, or maybe I scratched a bite I should have left alone?details
ernst10 daysIt went away by not running for a week, but being active mostly doing Nordic skiing (skate and classic).details
Nick10 daysosteopath visitdetails
andrews10 daysPossibly because of doing loaded calf raises. Lot's of rest needed, did ankle exercises most days with band, including right foot pointing upwards and turning left against resistance.details
duncanarcher10 daysdetails
sberg10 daysMake sure to wash with Tecnu or bleach, or vinegar when seen poison ivy on the course. details
wiQ11 daysdetails
Malla11 daysdetails
JonasB11 daysdetails
EricNorris11 dayssuperceded by my achilles pain.details
Trisha11 daysRight calf no longer feels tight and knot in calf is gone. Will continue to wear self made sock to bed to keep stretched out at night. details
Pellervo11 daysLepo auttoi. Käveleminen ja pyöräily tuntuivat olevan tälle vaivalle pahimmat. Olisiko ollut jonkin tasoinen jännetupen tulehdus?details
StephHurry11 daysDon't overdo it in yoga, leave your ego at the door. Runners are generally not flexible and, definitely in my case, too competitive.details
bradc11 daysLots of eccentric calf raises.details
Miikka11 daysdetails
Kristaps11 daysdetails
DominicGreen11 daysdetails
Skid18512 daysRecovered fairly well. Complete rest, walking only. Still some pain when stretching.details
Mal12 daysrestdetails
A damp otter12 daysIcing + elevation every 2 hours , stretching , and massage by phsyio , cycling aggrovated it , running actually helped it out ! details
jadan12 daysCaused by running too hard in Adidas trail shoes on firm grass. Forget I am 51 years old with 80,000 miles on the clock! Seems to be resolved by friction massage, strengthening and reverse foot stretching. Gradual reduction of symptoms, Kept runs short and steady to begin with. New Shoes - Hoka Bondi 3.details
Georgia12 daysAlmost gone. Seemed to go away after I found out what it was/physio put some needles in there.details
Roger G12 daysgluts, back tight stertching nerve at back cured itdetails
kPa12 daysGradually built up from 20mins - 60mins running by 12 days after finishing CW.details
Edvin Hellsten12 daysJag löste det ganska bra med att ta det lungt med löpningen direkt men det blev helt enkelt lite tuft med lopp tre dagar på raken och en tuff tränings vecka innan det också.details
Boltboi13 daysdetails
camel14 daysWas massaging it regularly and that seemed to help, rest was the main thing though.details
devil14 daysrest and voltaren did the trickdetails
Kurt14 daysdetails
olle7115 daysdetails
huon15 daysdetails
spilka15 daysdetails
Carl00615 daysdetails
Henerzz15 daysdetails
Niels-Peter16 daysdetails
torbensfunk16 daysi reckon i do not have to have it marked as injury anymore. feels much betterdetails
coach16 dayscold compress morning an d eveningdetails
theshadow17 days4 days completely off- patience was rewardeddetails
MikeMc17 daysRested and massaged.details
Keith17 daysIce! Iceing it was very effective.details
dabond17 daysdetails
pi18 daysLong rest.details
jsjöberg18 daysVilade ut den. Glad att jag stannade innan den utvecklades ordentligt, känns som att jag minimerade skadetiden på så sätt, blev väl drygt 2v men det är nog rätt snabbtdetails
patgie18 daysmore s&cdetails
tbl18 daysMassageboll, vanlig massage, kompression, byta skor också till vardagsdetails
Robbs19 daysNothing the a big or rest couldn't fix. It's not fixed, but close to it. A few slow/genial runs to get the feeling back then I'll be off. details
JL19 daysHar ingen jävla aning om hur det blev bra. Det bara försvann. Vet inte vad det var heller. Kommer väl tillbaka rätt vad det är.details
Henerzz19 daysdetails
dirtmonkey21 daysstretched before/after every run. I just realized on the 9.7 miler that I didn't feel for the first time the whole run in foreeeeever!details
Mitch7821 daysdetails
Tullster21 daysdetails
Brentman21 daysTake it easy and rest. Tape and do some strenghtening excercises.details
dirtmonkey22 daysrest, antiinflams, icedetails
dersu22 daysdetails
cschneiderclimb22 days10/10/11: not really completely convinced I'm healed, but I do know that efforts of an hour +/- are no longer a problem. This injury was a function of bad pedal and duration, not intensity. I will consider this injury healed with the anticipation that I need to slowly increase duration over the next couple of weeks to see how the leg responds.details
Nizkane22 daysdetails
RimvydasA22 daystarkim praejodetails
Torzi22 daysIt has cleared! DWs physio exercises sorted me out :) Still working with clearing the right hip... but it is all a process. details
jima24 daysBetter warmups, especially when I'll be running on uneven terrain where an ankle could twist.details
StuartE24 daysNot 100% fixed but I can run again.details
yeagerjustin25 daysdetails
Alistair W25 daysdetails
MHtrailvet25 daysdetails
Shminty26 daysnot sure when it ended. Think at the time I thought about putting it had stopped in here but decided not to tempt fate. details
jcarr26 daysdetails
HiipiväHirvi26 daysNappia naamaandetails
ChristianeT26 daysPhysio said it was like a cramp of some inner calf muscle. Somehow movement of the foot was blocked. Got better after my last treatment and more stretching (which I didn't do a lot in the beginning because I felt no effect).details
Coneff27 daysCause unknown. Recovery: stretching, elevating, taking it easy, and strength training (including high jumps) when recovered.details
jima27 daysStill a sense of numbness in parts of my foot. No apparent swelling. Haven't been inclined to really push it, but have spent a lot of time in the woods prepping for the Boulder Dash. All I can think is that it was some sort of bug bite that messed up some nerves a bit.details
fn27 daysdetails
KonradSt27 daysdetails
tinytoes28 daysdetails
Nathan28 daysdetails
Big Dave29 daysCaused by running in crap new pair of shoes. HArd to rest and stay off feet. Just walking was slowing down the recovery. Acouple of physio sessions and a visit to the podiatrist sorted out the problem. Geoquest 48hr race didn't aid recovery and extended the injury by about 4 weeks. Still feel tightness occasionally the day after long run but as good as recovered.details
JanO29 daysdetails
WandAR29 days2 weeks no running, calf stretching 1 week flat running, calf strengthening & stretching Finally ramp up to hills felt good.details
mindsweeper30 daysThe ankle brace cut off circulation to the achilles, making it vulnerable to stress during the race.details
ColmM30 daysStretches whereby sitting on the ground stretching ankle / achilles. Stair exercises. Muscles are essentially tight. Stretch them a lot. Massaging too is good, and foam roller on lower calf worked a lot. details
torbensfunk31 daysdetails
dersu32 daysAs with Achilles injurines, long warmups helped; unlike Achilles, running on flat and fast running was better than terrain running.details
DrKeith32 daysMisdiagnosis. Bakers cyst behind l knee-drained of 20 mls of fluid and 7mm neuroma tumour pressing on nervw Highly Likely to be benign but being monitored H&L administered and eased.details
itsmartin32 daysdetails
pascalkolb33 daysdetails
huon34 daysdetails
Mickos34 daysdetails
JonasB34 daysdetails
lostrunner34 daysdetails
andfall34 daysProbably caused by doing too much over previous week causing flare up in PT tendon. Repeated stepping in rabbit holes in dark didn't help. Aqua jogging followed by sauna seemed to help although only did this once towards end of recovery. Otherwise lots of spinning/cross training (ATM machine less aggravating than standard X-trainer), wobble board, theraband exercises etc helped recovery.details
scpjunior35 daysdetails
fredder35 daysStill swollen a bit, but no pain at all (at least on short runs). Never sure what it was--fracture or severe tissue injury. Rest seemed to be the answer.details
Gabriele Cenni35 daysTerapia ogni giornodetails
riley35 daysdetails
Ash36 daysdetails
noken36 daysdetails
Maxx36 daysdetails
Maxx36 daysdetails
E. Oberholtzer37 daysstill tight...gotta figure it out. I think it is an issue of tight calves. need to stretch and stuff.details
Georgia37 daysResting entirely for a month seemed to fix this. Was inflammation more than anything else. Suspect it was caused by walking funny due to sore toes in Solomon shoes. details
Zimmers37 daysTime off and a lot of icing and loosening of muscle connected to the problem. Physio...details
Pavementsucks37 daysdetails
beeker38 daysEnded up doing far too much resting.details
Aiden Sullivan38 daysFound out it was an ITB injury. Went to physio and got a roller and some stretches to do. At first it was a bit painful but after it was worth it.details
MikeMc39 daysdetails
jennapaj42 daysdetails
MikeMc43 daysdetails
Keira43 daysdetails
SannaHedberg43 daysTrappade ned på löpningen och hjälpte bra. Läkte typ av sig själv. Nu: trappa upp löpningen försiktigt och kör lite mer alternativt emellanåt. details
EMax44 daysdetails
Imogenpieters44 daysdetails
FJohnson45 daysJust have to get it moving + magnesium oil and comfrey oil helped. If possible travel to Alicante and run in some dunes to aid recovery details
Geoman46 daysdetails
calum47 daysdetails
petymeg48 daysgyógytora+ vádli tewtejének maszirozása köpölyözése, az izom ellazitása, néha ha nem figyelek vissza jöndetails
jeffw49 daysStopped running for a month. Walked instead which didn't cause calf pain.details
emmaS49 daysProbably a stress fracture but nothing showed up on the X-ray. Rested for a while, now gradually building it up again (increasing in running time 15 minute intervals as log as it feels 100% ok during and afterwards)details
MikeMc50 daysI pretty much rested for 3 weeks apart from a few orienteering races.details
Inis51 daysdetails
Joshosh51 daysdetails
tommyg52 daysrest updetails
immy52 daysSome sort of soleus strain - needed some rest, brutal sports massage and new shoes.details
Grandpa Jameson54 daysdetails
G Wedd 55 daysdetails
Focus57 daysWas either a flexor hallusis longus or a soleus strain. Don't change your running style! Do what comes naturally.details
beeker59 daysdetails
Torzi61 daysdetails
troll feet62 daysAs description notesdetails
Heidistolberger63 daysdetails
mnomi164 daysTime off running definitely helped. So glad to feel no pain hiking/running now. Still have a weird bump in my ankle.details
bram66 daysdetails
bram66 daysdetails
Grandpa Jameson66 daysA lot of rest and very little running. ART for last couple of weeks helped too.details
MikeMc67 daysdetails
Duncan69 daysdetails
annawallin69 daysdetails
O-ing71 daysTimedetails
JuhaM81 daysdetails
Scrappy Doo83 daysdetails
zaltarn83 daysOrsak: Jobb på betong. Minska på träningsmängden nästa gång. Lyssna mer på kroppen. Rehab, sjukgymnast och stretching hjälpte!details
Ralph85 daysdetails
AI-aka-nerimka89 daysStipriai padejo stuburo mankstos, tempimas, lazeris. Ko gero tai buvo ne uzdegimas, o uzspaustas nervas. details
Hanabanana93 dayslol going to the physio and getting orthodics to turn my feet back out the right way....and the chiro for readjsuting where te bones in my feet should be......definitely a good choice in fixin the problem......pretty much defenitely caused by an injury in my ankle a few years ago during P.E that never got treated....he scar tissue built up...made my foot turn in drastically.....and screwed up the rest of my leg.....*shrugs* all good now though i still cant sit cross legged because of that ankledetails
jemmerson93 daysdetails
O P95 daysStretching out the rest of the leg as well as the ankle loosened up the muscle tightness.details
Edvin Hellsten96 dayslaserbehandlingar från jmc, och tid. nästa gång ska jag inte göra så stora förändringar i min träning och inte heller springa onödigt mycket redan i oktober novemberdetails
wildwood97 daysdetails
joch5597 daysTime.details
Desmond98 daysrest + new running shoesdetails
daveabrams101 daysdetails
O-ing101 daystibialis posterior tendon inflammation. Settled down with rest. Virtually no running for 2 months. Exercises weren’t useful. details
Adrian Hamouda102 daysNeeded inserts because I have a low arch details
pepa.102 daysdetails
LuT104 daysdetails
Terapin107 daysdetails
SamTheMan110 daysdetails
ChrisG114 daysdetails
Ralph114 daysdetails
triple-double118 daysContinued to run on it. It was aggravated by several days of sustained-intensity runs in a row. Over half a year later it got better. details
Mr O-memes119 daysdetails
Cory Smith122 daysdetails
austrianmike126 daysThe compartment sydrome was probably cause by an inflamed muscles due to the sharp increase in exercise for the marathon training. Resolution occurs a) through rest to reduce the inflammation, and b) through stretching to help reduce tension in the muscle. Feeling a lot better since the therapy (also able to run impromptu, which I previously wasn't able to). Cross-training is useful as it does not put too much training on my running muscles.details
Nick Mead126 daysdetails
ReindeerCounter132 daysdetails
rskyles140 daysStill not 100%, but it's well enough.details
Wildsky141 daysstill residual pain occassionallydetails
Focus144 daysNot recovered. Maybe it's just tight calves.details
Pete151 daysdetails
wynncd153 daysdetails
Clara170 daysdetails
LiveWideLoveDeep179 daysRest, prayers, 2 months no running, stopping PT, details
Heather O180 daysTook a long time to build back up to regular and longer runs. Multi-day walks seemed to help. Finally did the Ulllswater Way on 13th September with no trouble from my ankle.details
joshblatch185 daysturned out to be compartment syndrome. surgery on the 6th Jan, given the all clear on the 24th feb. slowly built up to jogging increasing amounts and recovery went really well. ellys mum reckoned coz of my short calf length (due to inflexibility) it was making my anterior and lateral compartments work harder.details
Elvis196 daysdetails
vmeyer198 daysdetails
JamesBradshaw202 daysLots of Gluet medius strengtheningdetails
Poppy213 daysdetails
billh214 dayscan't remember when this resolved, but it's gone now, haha. Not running for six months tends to let things heal up. details
loefaas215 daysdetails
Franchitastic241 daysHaving a rest week every 4th week seems like a better approach than what I tried last Spring when I kept adding mileage steadily. Leg feels good though I haven't had another MRI to see for sure.details
Nathan242 daysdetails
Larryj275 daysdetails
Hol290 daysdetails
Anna294 daysOther injuries limiting how much this one bothers me!details
Friday311 daysdetails
ken315 daysgetting rid of my black office shoes (and earlier my nikes) seemed to eventually eliminate the problem. details
kPa350 daysStill stiff nearly a year ondetails
zsibthorp362 daysI don't want this number to get to 365 so I'm diagnosing myself as good. Def recovered but far from back to normal, I supposedetails
Cat T365 daysdetails
daveabrams365 daysdetails
Flam390 daysrésolu mais pq ?details
MikeS405 daysdetails
loefaas438 daysdetails
hagi456 daysdetails
Ernie_wise457 daysSports massage and compression socks. Lots of ice. Good Job. details
Shminty461 daysdetails
Aksu465 daysdetails
Anna488 daysbetter after restdetails
ajriley499 daysThis took f-ing forever to heal. I think sstrength training helped and the shockwave therapy certainly seemed to be the last straw which knocked it out completely.details
buzz537 daysdetails
SimonB627 daystook a long time, but my tendon now feels like its working with my body and not on its owndetails
Craig630 daysAdditional lateral posting on orthoticsdetails
ghvala776 daysdetails
vmeyer1176 daysdetails
Orienteered1214 daysGetting the muscle functioning properly and keeping it out of spasam while building up strength in calfs and legs in particular. Changing my running style has also had a positive impact details
Ryan1310 daysdetails
Kurt1406 daysdetails
blairtrewin1417 daysAppears to be related to calf tightness as most often surfaced after prolonged periods without massage (especially when travelling). Surfaced intermittently for several years but no significant incidences in 2013. details
AdventureGirl!1759 daysdetails
peterprong2654 daysdetails
Siobhan114+ daysdetails
zsibthorp154+ daysdetails
hamlet241+ daysdetails
JanetT411+ daysdetails
ie809+ daysdetails
Ines1293+ daysdetails
Malla1384+ daysdetails
majaporle2646+ daysdetails
Leves2651+ daysdetails
Lines2711+ daysdetails
GaryFlynn3056+ daysdetails
Snell3268+ daysdetails
JonasP3282+ daysdetails
ccm3625+ daysdetails
DWade3727+ daysdetails
Olivia3808+ daysdetails
marcusm3945+ daysdetails
Shminty4068+ daysdetails
jonnyq4086+ daysdetails
IRISHDOg4126+ daysdetails
tanyam4130+ daysdetails
Toemaeli4250+ daysdetails
DannyP4338+ daysdetails
graeme4681+ daysdetails
xcskier324863+ daysdetails
MikeS4871+ daysdetails
Miss Jones4918+ daysdetails
runnerafd5479+ daysdetails
BBSR5627+ daysdetails
srollins5690+ daysdetails
Josefov5761+ daysdetails
ccgirl25973+ daysdetails
krickle6564+ daysdetails
krickle6564+ daysdetails
Fly'n6912+ daysdetails
kendal7413+ daysdetails